What's This?
Discription video: https://youtu.be/3Ad-b1-96IU
How To Use It?
Discription video started from 05:28 : https://youtu.be/3Ad-b1-96IU?t=328
How To Use The System?
There's a release on the right side of the page. Download the "MassCustomizeGmailSender.zip" and unzip it. After unzipping it, open "dist" file and open sender_login.exe. There should be a pop up window for you to login.
How To Read The Code?
If you want to understand the code, you can download the files in the main branch. every .py file is necessary the main python file is sender_login.py
"紀念品預購表單test" is for testing, which can be replaced by your own .csv for .xlsx file "寄信好麻煩 Group22.pdf" are pdf file that tells the relationship between all the python file
影片簡介: https://youtu.be/3Ad-b1-96IU
使用 google 表單後,是否常常不知道如何將特定資料寄給特定使用者? 此寄信系統接受 csv 或 excel 檔 在系統中打上信中的文字,並選擇要替換的欄位 預覽你每一封的信件 確認信件寄出結果
影片說明5分28秒開始: https://youtu.be/3Ad-b1-96IU?t=328
請在右側Release區塊,下載 MassCustomizeGmailSender.zip。解壓縮後打開"dist"資料夾,執行裡面的 CaslowStockSelector.exe 檔案,即會跳出登入視窗。
若直接下載程式碼: 必要程式檔為 .py 檔 主程式為 sender_login.py 檔
紀念品預購表單test 為提供測試用,可以用自己的 .csv 或 .xlsx 取代 寄信好麻煩 Group22.pdf 為程式碼關聯性說明