####Powershell script for Automatic EBS Snapshots and Cleanup on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2
Written by [AWS Consultants - Casey Labs Inc.] (http://www.caseylabs.com)
Casey Labs - Contact us for all your Amazon Web Services Consulting needs!
How it works: These scripts will:
- Start diskshadow on your instance, in order to keep disk consistency.
- Determine the instance ID of the EC2 server on which the script runs.
- Gather a list of all volume IDs attached to that instance.
- Take a snapshot of each attached volume
- The script will then delete all associated snapshots taken by the script that are older than 7 days
- Stop diskshadow to allow disk writes again.
Pull requests greatly welcomed!
IAM: This script requires that an IAM User or IAM Role be created with the following policy attached:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1426256275000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
**AWS CLI:** This script requires the AWS CLI tools to be installed on the target Windows instance.
Log into your Windows instance with your local Administrator account.
Download the Windows installer for AWS CLI at: [https://aws.amazon.com/cli/] (https://aws.amazon.com/cli/)
Next, open a command prompt on the Window server and configure the AWS CLI (Note: you can skip this step if your EC2 instance is configured with an IAM role):
C:\Users\Administrator> aws configure
AWS Access Key ID: (Enter in the IAM credentials generated above.)
AWS Secret Access Key: (Enter in the IAM credentials generated above.)
Default region name: (The region that this instance is in: i.e. us-east-1, eu-west-1, etc.)
Default output format: (Enter "text".)
[Download the scripts from Github] (https://github.com/CaseyLabs/aws-ec2-ebs-automatic-snapshot-powershell/archive/master.zip)
Extract the zip contents to C:\aws on your Windows Server
Next, open Task Scheduler on the server, and create a new task that runs:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "C:\aws\1-start-ebs-snapshot.ps1"
...on a nightly basis.
If you setup the AWS CLI under a Windows user account other than the local Administrator, you will need to edit the file "2-run-backup.cmd", and change the USERPROFILE path.
For example, let's say that you've configured the AWS CLI credentials under the Windows user account "myadmin". You will need to:
- Open C:\aws\2-run-backup.cmd in Notepad
- Change "set USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Administrator" to "set USERPROFILE=C:\Users\myadmin"
- Save and exit.