This app runs a simple spring-boot which makes a /files endpoint that list files in a s3 bucket
Set the values in for
- aws.access.key: access key from your AWS account
- aws.secret.key: secret key from your AWS account
- bucket name to list the files from
mvn spring-boot:run
Access the application via localhost:8080/files
Build the docker image with:
docker build . -t simple-app-s3:0.1.0
After building the image, run it with:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY="aws-access-key" --env AWS_SECRET_KEY="aws-secret-key" --env S3_BUCKET_NAME="s3-bucket-name" simple-app-s3:0.1.0
Access the application via localhost:8080/files
Create aws-credentials secret with your access-key and secret-key
kubectl create secret generic aws-credentials --from-literal=aws-access-key=supersecret --from-literal=aws-secret-key=topsecret
Make a values.yml to edit the helm configuration. Don't forget to set the correct bucketname in the values.yml file
helm install simple-app ./simple-app-s3 -f values.yml
Port-forward the service created by the helm chart. Now access the application via localhost:8080/files
Tried building a native graalvm image with springboot. But when I accessed the /files endpoint I got the following error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: I guess I missed some dependencies for AWS s3 api, but couldn't find it.
Native graalvm can be build following the guide on:
Followed the guide on:
The metrics-server was stuck on a crashloopbackoff with a certificate error. So I allowed insecure connections with --kubelet-insecure-tls
After that Otomi would continue to deploy.
I installed the simple-app-s3 with the helm command above. Then proceeded to create a service in otomi for the simple-app-s3
From the drone output I saw:
- Cert-manager created certificate resources for the host
- Ingress object with the Nginx class was edited to add the new host pointing towards a public Istio service
- Istio virtual service was created to route final destination, the service that was created from the helmchart