The ExtraPropertiesBehavior provides a key/value extension for an object.
Given a product model, ExtraPropertiesBehavior will add a key/value extension interface.
<table name="product">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoincrement="true" />
<column name="name" type="VARCHAR" size="255" />
<behavior name="extra_properties" />
$tvSet = new Product();
$tvSet->setName('My big TV');
$tvSet->setProperty('size', '12 inches');
$tvSet->setProperty('frequency', '11 Hz');
$tvSet->getProperty('size'); // will result in '12 inches'
$tvSet->getProperty('frequency'); // will result in '11 Hz'
First clone the behavior in your vendor directory:
git clone git://
Or using Composer:
"require": {
"carpehora/propel-extraproperties-behavior": "1.*"
Then register behavior in either your propel.ini
configuration file:
propel.behavior.extra_properties.class =
Just add the behavior to your table definition:
<!-- in schema.xml -->
<table name="product">
<!-- ... -->
<behavior name="extra_properties" />
At this point the behavior will create an extra table to store properties and will add the following set of methods in the active record object:
setProperty('property_name', 'value')
getProperty('property_name', 'default value')
addProperty('property_name', 'value')
This is nice, but usualy what a developer wants is direct access through getters and setters. To do so, declare an extra properties list using the following methods:
registerProperty('property_name, 'default value')
### property extraction methods
returns an array of properties
First declare the behavior in your schema.xml
<database name="user">
<table name="user_preference">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoincrement="true" />
<column name="key" type="VARCHAR" size="50" />
<column name="value" type="LONGVARCHAR" />
<column name="user_id" type="integer" required="true" />
<foreign-key foreignTable="user" onDelete="cascade" refPhpName="Preference">
<reference local="user_id" foreign="id" />
<table name="user">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoincrement="true" />
<column name="name" type="VARCHAR" size="255" />
<behavior name="extra_properties" >
<!-- related table -->
<parameter name="properties_table" value="user_preference" />
<!-- property label column -->
<parameter name="property_name_column" value="key" />
<!-- property value column -->
<parameter name="property_value_column" value="value" />
<!-- normalize property names and values using peer normalize methods ? -->
<parameter name="normalize" value="true" />
<!-- throw an error if shortcut get{PropertyName} cannot resolve PropertyName ? -->
<parameter name="throw_error" value="true" />
<!-- property denomination, if instead of properties, you think in terms of parameters/details/whatever -->
<parameter name="property_name" value="property" />
To enable humanized getters, declare an initializeProperties()
method in your model like this:
class User extends BaseUser
protected function initializeProperties()
$this->registerProperty('MY_MODULE_PREFERENCE', 'default_value');
Then you can use getters and setters directly with your model object:
// get/set methods created by initializeProperties()
$user->getMyModulePreference(); // or call $user->getProperty('my_module_preference');
$user->setMyModulePreference('preference'); // or call $user->setProperty('my_module_preference', 'preference');
// extend dynamicly
$user->registerProperty('MY_OTHER_PREFERENCE', 'default_value');
$user->getMyOtherPreference(); // or call $user->getProperty('my_other_preference');
$user->setMyOtherPreference('preference'); // or call $user->setProperty('my_other_preference', 'preference');
// simply deal with multiple occurences
// extract properties
// will result in
// array(
// 'MY_MODULE_PREFERENCE' => 'preference',
// 'MY_OTHER_PREFERENCE' => 'preference',
// 'MY_MULTIPLE_PREFERENCE' => array('pref1', 'pref2'),
// )
$user->getMyMultiplePreferences(); // will result in array('id_pref1' => 'pref1', 'id_pref2' => 'pref2')
$user->clearMyMultiplePreferences(); // remove all MY_MULTIPLE_PREFERENCE preferences
It sometimes is useful to be able to extend the model depending on the inheritance classkey. ExtraPropertiesBehavior can do that for you.
Imagine a CMS with several content types:
<database name="content">
<table name="content">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoincrement="true" />
<column name="title" type="VARCHAR" size="255" />
<column name="type" type="VARCHAR" inheritance="single">
<behavior name="extra_properties" />
Given the default content structure, just define your content options by defining your possible key/values in the
class Article extends Content
protected function initializeProperties()
public function getOMClass()
return 'Article';
class Video extends Content
protected function initializeProperties()
public function getOMClass()
return 'Video';
Then, just use extra properties as if it where built in fields:
$article = new Article();
$article->setTitle('Propel, greatest php ORM ever');
$article->setContent('Try it you\'ll see');
$video = new Video();
$video->setTitle('Propel + phpsh');
- implement default properties (generate methods and register in initialize)
- parameter to chose setters and getters name.
- add a callback to convert property value
- add namespace