Add the behavior to your database schema :
<database name="propel" defaultIdMethod="native" package="lib.model">
<behavior name="auditable" />
<table name="auditable_object">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" />
<column name="name" type="VARCHAR" size="255" />
$auditable = new Auditable();
// and now access audit trail
foreach ($auditable->getLastActivity() as $activity) {
echo $activity->getLabel() . '<br />';
// will result in "CREATE<br />"
Install the behavior in your vendor directory
$ git submodule add git:// lib/vendor/AuditableBehavior
add following to your propel.ini
propel.behavior.auditable.class = lib.vendor.AuditableBehavior.src.AuditableBehavior
Declare behavior for the whole database in your config/schema.xml
<database name="propel" defaultIdMethod="native" package="lib.model">
<behavior name="auditable" />
or for a table only
<database name="propel" defaultIdMethod="native" package="lib.model">
<table name="my_table">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" />
<behavior name="auditable" />
Following paramters are available :
- create_label : activity log for create (default CREATE)
- update_label : activity log for update (default UPDATE)
- delete_label : activity log for delete (default DELETE)
- audit_create : log object creation (default true)
- audit_update : log object update (default true)
- audit_delete : log object deletion (default true)
- activity_table : activity table name (default audit_activity)
- activity_label_column : column for activity log in activity_table
- object_column : column for object table in activity_table
- object_pk_column : column for object primarikey in activity_table
- blacklist: a coma separated list of tables to exclude from audit
This behavior create an activity table and log activity for auditableed object.
To achieve this goal, method logActivity($label, $con=null)
is called on postHooks.
This method create a new MonitorActivity
with following parameters:
corresponding value for CREATE, UPDATE or DELETEauditable_object_class
corresponding object classauditable_object_pk
corresponding object primary key
getLastActivity($number=10, $label=null, $con=null)
return the recent object related activity.logActivity($label, $con=null)
create an activity entry for $labelcountActivity($label = null, $con=null)
count related activityisAudited()
is the current objcet auditableing its activitydisableLocalAudit()
temporary remove auditableing activity for this objectenableLocalAudit()
temporary force auditableing activity for this objectgetActivityCriteria
get a criteria to filter activity against this object
and both static methods
disable auditableing activity globaly.enableAudit()
enable auditableing activity globaly.
filter query for $auditableObject related activity.
return the activity related object.
- alter activty active record and query