The goal of this project is to discover, as a whole, the software platform that you have chosen (Java, .NET,node.js) through the creation of a business application. To do this, you must implement a software suite that functions similar to that of IFTTT and/or Zapier.
- Install Docker
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
- Build the project
docker-compose build
- Run the project
docker-compose up
Navigate in http://localhost:8081/ for client && http://localhost:8080/ for server Download APK project: navigate in http://localhost:8081/client.apk or click on "Download APK in Menu"
If any JavaScript project has taken the front end ecosystem by storm in recent years, that would be React. React is a library built and open-sourced by the smart people at Facebook. In React, developers write components for their web interface and compose them together.
Download Packages
npm install
Start && Watch
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
├─ public/ # Public files (HTML, Favicon, .JSON)
├─ src/
├─ Components/ # Components of Services
│ ├─ Discord/ # Services Discord
│ ├─ Github/ # Services Github
│ ├─ Gmail/ # Services Gmail
│ ├─ Reddit/ # Services Reddit
| ├─ Youtube/ # Services Youtube
│ └─ Weather/ # Services Weather
├─ Data/ # Data of Services
├─ Medias/ # Assets (Logo, Video, Images)
├─ Pages/ # Pages of Services Area (Actions + Reactions)
│ ├─ Discord/ # Pages Discord
│ ├─ Github/ # Pages Github
│ ├─ Gmail/ # Pages Gmail
│ ├─ Reddit/ # Pages Reddit
│ ├─ Weather/ # Pages Weather
│ └─ Youtube/ # Pages Youtube
├─ App.js # Routes of App
├─ style/ # CSS files
├─ Dockerfile
└─ package.json # File Package (Dependencies)
Flutter is developed by Google and eases the developer work by creating both android and ios app under a single code base. Flutter web is also been introduced by flutter and it shows a way for developer to create website. Flutter uses "dart" language to write functionalities.
- 1 - Open the IDE and select Start a new Flutter project.
- 2 - Select Flutter Application as the project type. Then click Next.
- 3 - Verify the Flutter SDK path specifies the SDK’s location (select Install SDK… if the text field is blank).
- 4 - Enter a project name (for example, myapp). Then click Next.
- 5 - Click Finish.
- 6 - Wait for Android Studio to install the SDK and create the project.
2 - In the target selector, select an Android device for running the app. If none are listed as available, select Tools> Android > AVD Manager and create one there. For details, see Managing AVDs.
3 - Click the run icon in the toolbar, or invoke the menu item Run > Run.
After the app build completes, you’ll see the starter app on your device.
Download Packages
flutter pug get
Build apk
flutter build apk
Run apk
flutter run
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:8081/client.apk to download the app.
├─ Dockerfile
├─ area_app/
├─ android/ # Android config
│ ├─ app/
| | ├─src/
| | | ├─res/value/string.xml # facebook value for api
| | | └─main/AndroidManifest.xml #app + facebook + internet config
| | |
| | ├─build.gradle # Gradle config
| | └─google-service.json # Google firebase config
| |
│ ├─ gradle/ # Gradle wrapper properties
│ ├─ # gradle property value
│ └─ settings.gradle # flutter setting
├─ ios/ # IOS app
├─ asset/ # Assets (Logo, Video, Images)
├─ lib/ # Main code
│ ├─ login/ # Area log pages
│ ├─ pages/ # Area pages
| ├─ Param.dart # Class of action reaction contain
│ ├─ Themes.dart
│ ├─ global.dart
│ ├─ action_reaction_list.dart # List of action reaction
│ └─ main.dart # Main
├─ test/ # test file
└─ pubspec.yaml # File Package (Dependencies)
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 0.10 or higher is required.
If this is a brand new project, make sure to create a package.json first with the npm init command.
Installation is done using the npm install command:
$ npm install express
Create the App:
$ express /tmp/foo && cd /tmp/foo
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
$ npm start
View the website at: http://localhost:3000
- get :
- get infos (
) :- request : empty
- response :
- 200 : success
{ "client": { "host": "<host>" }, "server": { "current_time": "<current_time>", "services": [{ "name": "<name>", "actions": [{ "name": "<name>", "description": "<description>" }, { ... }], "reactions": [{ "name": "<name>", "description": "<description>" }, { ... }] }, { ... }] } }
- get infos (
- post :
- register (
) :- email :
- request :
{ "action": "register", "connectionMethod": "email", "username": "<username>", "email": "<email>", "password": "<password>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 470 : username already exist
- 471 : email already exist
- 490 : general sql error
- facebook :
- request :
{ "action": "register", "connectionMethod": "facebook", "username": "<username>", "facebookId": "<facebookId>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 470 : username already exist
- 472 : id already exist
- 490 : general sql error
- google :
- request :
{ "action": "register", "connectionMethod": "google", "username": "<username>", "googleId": "<googleId>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 470 : username already exist
- 472 : id already exist
- 490 : general sql error
- other registration method :
- response :
- 461 : wrong method
- response :
- email :
- connect (
) :- email :
- request :
{ "action": "connect", "connectionMethod": "email", "email": "<email>", "password": "<password>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
{ "username": "<username>" }
- 475 : email does not exist
- 480 : wrong password
- 490 : general sql error
- username :
- request :
{ "action": "connect", "connectionMethod": "username", "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
{ "username": "<username>" }
- 476 : username does not exist
- 480 : wrong password
- 490 : general sql error
- facebook :
- request :
{ "action": "connect", "connectionMethod": "facebook", "facebookId": "<facebookId>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
{ "username": "<username>" }
- 477 : id does not exist
- 490 : general sql error
- google :
- request :
{ "action": "connect", "connectionMethod": "google", "googleId": "<googleId>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
{ "username": "<username>" }
- 477 : id does not exist
- 490 : general sql error
- other connection method :
- response :
- 461 : wrong method
- response :
- email :
- other action (
) :- response :
- 460 : wrong action
- response :
- register (
- delete :
- delete user (
) :- request :
{ "username": "<username>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 455 : username does not exist
- 490 : general sql error
- delete user (
- post :
- add token (
) :- request :
{ "placeholder": "<placeholder>", "service": "<service>", "token": "<token>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 485 : placeholder already used
- 490 : general sql error
- add token (
- delete :
- delete token (
) :- request :
{ "placeholder": "<placeholder>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 477 : placeholder does not exist
- 490 : general sql error
- delete token (
- post :
- create area (
) :- request :
{ "username": "<username>", "placeholder": "<placeholder>", "serviceAction": "<serviceAction>", "serviceActionConfig": {<serviceActionConfig>}, "serviceReaction": "<serviceReaction>", "serviceReactionConfig": {<serviceReactionConfig>}, "action": "<action>", "reaction": "<reaction>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 465 : invalid action service name
- 466 : invalid reaction service name
- 467 : invalid action
- 468 : invalid reaction
- 469 : action does not exists in action service
- 470 : reaction does not exists in reaction service
- 476 : username does not exist
- 480 : placeholder already used
- 490 : general sql error
- execute area (
) :- request :
{ "username": "<username>", "placeholder": "<placeholder>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 476 : username does not exist
- 477 : placeholder does not exist
- 480 : area already running
- 490 : general sql error
- stop area (
) :- request :
{ "username": "<username>", "placeholder": "<placeholder>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 476 : username does not exist
- 477 : placeholder does not exist
- 481 : area already stopped
- 490 : general sql error
- get areas (
) :- request :
{ "username": "<username>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
[{ "placeholder": "<placeholder>", "running": "<true|false>", "serviceAction": "<serviceAction>", "action": "<action>", "serviceReaction": "<serviceReaction>", "reaction": "<reaction>" }, { ... }]
- 476 : username does not exist
- create area (
- delete :
- delete area (
) :- request :
{ "username": "<username>", "placeholder": "<placeholder>" }
- response :
- 200 : success
- 476 : username does not exist
- 481 : placeholder does not exist
- 490 : general sql error
- delete area (
- Gmail =>
- Github =>
- Discord =>
- Reddit =>
- Weather =>
- Youtube =>
- Spotify =>
- Camille Sayous alias @CamilleSA [Front-End / Web]
- Angelina Colas alias @Ragiri [Front-End / Mobile]
- Leonard Pooch alias @Maaown [Back-End]
- Adrian Morvan alias @Tsunuky [Back-End / Services]
- Théo Blancquart alias @Ninmesis [Back-End / Services