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How to run CUBRID Manager on Eclipse

Isaiah Choe edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 5 revisions

CUBRID Manager (CM) is the most powerful database administration tool for DBAs even Developers who develop an application with CUBRID DB. It has a convenient and intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) and provides powerful tools to manage the databases, brokers, execute queries and view their results, and many more.

The CUBRID Manager Client utility is written in Java with Eclipse RCP platform and can be run in any environment that supports Java.

Now we explain how you run CUBRID Manager on your Eclipse IDE due to debugging and development some features.


First of all, CUBRID Manager application runs under Eclipse RCP platform 3.6~3.7 which means that it couldn't be provided latest RCP platform, so you must install Eclipse 3.7 latest version in order to run CUBRID Manager from the source code. Here, you can see a proper version of Eclipse IDE:

Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers (3.7 SR2)

And then, you also should install required plugins in a plugin directory of your Eclipse IDE. You can find those plugins on site.

  • org.apache.log4j_1.2.13.v200806030600.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.6.6.jar
  • slf4j-log4j12-1.6.6.jar

Checkout source code

You can clone latest source code of CUBRID Manager from with the master branch.

Import projects

You can import several projects into your Eclipse IDE by using "Import" > "Existing Projects into Workspace" menu. If you choose a root directory of projects, you can see many projects in Projects pane and you can import them all onto your workspace of Eclipse IDE.

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After imported all projects, expand the project on your Eclipse project navigation.

Run an application

Open the by using twice clicking, and you can see the product dialog.

Click the Synchronize on the Testing of the product overview.

Click Launch an Eclipse application, after you run it once, you can see this configuration to launch this app under the run button on the toolbar.


Now it generated a run configuration and you need to change an arguement in Arguments tab of the run configuration.


Add -data @noDefault in the Arguments tab of the Run Configuration dialog. Without the option in your launch configuration, you can't pass the workspace dialog due to a kind of workspace error.

Save above change in the dialog, and run this configuration, you will see CUBRID Manager banner of the application.

Congratulations! Now you can run and debug CUBRID Manager on your Eclipse IDE.

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