This is another updated version of the homework planner, which is a simple and user-friendly application that allows you to create and manage your homework assignments. Using simple and easy-to-use buttons, you can create and manage your homework.
- Create subjects that can contain assignments.
- Create assignments that are assigned to a subject.
- When an assignment is complete, you can mark it as complete.
- Each assignment has a several options to set details about the assignment.
- View assignments, subjects, and completed assignments.
- And much more!
If you do not have internet, there is an offline mode that will allow you to use the application. If you wish to enable this feature, your information store on the database will be saved to local storage on your computer.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Run the application
java -jar TheHomeworkPlanner/libs/TheHomeworkPlanner.jar
Note the /libs/ directory has not been created yet. (Please wait for first stable build)
Note these have not been created yet. (Please wait for first stable build)
Creator: CSWesley
Discord: Wesley_#0145
Email: [email protected]
Version 1.0.0