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Cyril Pernet edited this page Oct 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

Checking image spectrum

spmup_spectral.m computes the spatial power spectrum (i.e. abs(fft)^2) per slice and average power values of all the same frequencies


[f,outliers] = spmup_spectral
[f,outliers] = spmup_spectral(P)
[f,outliers] = spmup_spectral(P,M)
[f,outliers] = spmup_spectral(P,M,'figure','on/save/off')

If called with no input, the user is prompted. P is the 3D volumes / 4D volume name.


It is possible to mask a binary mask M, overwise one is computed using spmup_auto_mask. Finally, a figure can be generated.


f is the average frequency power for each image and slice outliers is a binary flagging outliers per volume and slice over the averaged frequencies

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