Vision Based Blood Pressure/Pulse Detection
- Run "make.m" to build pyramid toolbox libraries:
% Build matlabPyrTools fprintf('Building matlabPyrTools...\n'); run(fullfile('matlabPyrTools', 'Mex', 'compilePyrTools.m'));
- Run "install.m":
addpath('./matlabPyrTools'); addpath('./matlabPyrTools/MEX');
- Run "reproduceResults.m" to reproduce all the results in the paper.
Example function for colour result from face2.mp4: % Color amplify_spatial_Gdown_temporal_ideal(inFile,resultsDir,50,6, ... 50/60,60/60,30, 1); % Spatial Filtering: Gaussian blur and down sample % Temporal Filtering: Ideal bandpass
Uses pyramid toolbox (matlabPyrTools) - requires "make.m" to build library Uses MATLAB's Image Processing Toolbox