Create a virtual environment with the dependencies found in environment.yml
git clone
cd COMP579-Project-Template
conda env create environment.yml -n my-venv
conda activate my-venv
Note that this environment contains a cudatoolkit of version 10.2.89. Thus, you may have to uninstall and then reinstall it depending on your cuda version in the case that you are using GPUs.
Assuming that you have group name as GROUP_XXX
, after filling up the Agent
class in GROUP_XXX/
, your agent can be trained by running python3 --group GROUP_XXX
. For example, for the group GROUP_MJ1
, it can be trained as python3 --group GROUP_MJ1
MuJoCo is a general purpose physics engine that aims to facilitate research and development in robotics. It stands for Multi-Joint dynamics with contact. Mujoco has different environments from which we use Hopper. Hopper has a 11-dimensional state space, that is position and velocity of each joint. The initial states are uniformly randomized. The action is a 3-dimensional continuous space. This environment is terminated when the agent falls down.
We'll be using mujoco210 in this project. This page contains the mujoco210 releases:
Download the distribution compatible to your OS and extract the downloaded mujoco210
directory into ~/.mujoco/
After activating the virtual environment, change the environment variable as:
conda env config vars set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/pkgs/cuda/latest/lib64:$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin:/usr/lib/nvidia-460:/usr/lib/nvidia
Note that the GPU driver nvidia-460
is only applicable for machines with GPUs and is machine specific.
For installing mujoco on a CPU only machine do as follows:
Create the conda environment using
conda create --name mujoco --file environment.yml
. -
Set the conda environment variable to:
. -
You can change the conda environment variable using
conda env config vars set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
. If this command doesn't work in your setting, you can follow this solution.
Clone your repository and create a conda environment:
!git clone
!cd COMP579-Project-Template
!conda env create environment.yml -n my-venv
!conda activate my-venv
Install the required packages to run mujoco environment
!apt-get install -y \
libgl1-mesa-dev \
libgl1-mesa-glx \
libglew-dev \
libosmesa6-dev \
!apt-get install -y patchelf
!pip3 install gym
!pip install free-mujoco-py
You can check the following notebook for further info:
Once you are done with training the agent, please copy-paste the code and manually create an
file and env_info.txt
and upload it to your group folder.
Jelly bean world is a testbed that provides infinite 2D gridworlds with objects in it to test continual learning agents. For this project, you are given a custom jelly bean environment which has 4 different kinds of objects - Apples, Bananas, Jelly beans, and Truffles. These objects are distributed throughout the grid according to an unknown probability distribution. Some of these objects appear together, for instance, Apples and Truffles are always together. Some objects appear in clusters, for example, Apples and Jelly beans appear in seperate clusters, while some objects, like bananas, are uniformly distributed. Although the original aim of this environment is to train a continual learning RL agent (an RL agent that continually learns in the changing world) in an infinite world, for simplicity, you will be working in a traditional episodic setting. Each episode has 5000
timesteps in this task and your job is to train an RL agent that can gather as many rewards as it can in an episode. Rewards are obtained by collecting various objects in the environment:
Object | Reward |
Apple | +1.0 |
Banana | +0.1 |
Jelly bean | -1.0 |
Truffle | -0.1 |
The environment provides several kinds of information to the agent that form an observation space - scent, vision, and features.
- Scent: Each object has different kinds of scent that is diffused throughout the grid:
Object | Scent |
Apple | [1.64, 0.54, 0.4] |
Banana | [1.92, 1.76, 0.4] |
Jelly bean | [0.68, 0.01, 0.99] |
Truffle | [8.4, 4.8, 2.6] |
At any point in time, agent can perceive scent at its location (vector of size 3), which is a mixture of scents diffused from various objects and nearby cells.
Vision: Agent can observe its surroundings as a 15x15 RGB image, where different objects have different colours.
Features: While working with vision directly is interesting, it could be challenging due to computation limiations. So, we provide you with features to train your agent. Feature vector is a binary vector of length
15x15x4 (900)
, where the first15x15 (225)
elements indicate the presence of the first object, the next225
bits indicate the presence of the second object, and so on. Each part of the observation space is complementary to the other and you are free to use any combinations of these spaces to train your agent. You can also work with just features like the TA-basic agent (peforms some operations on features). Note that none of these elements provides full information of the world at a given point in time. So, you might have to construct a state to train your agent.
The agents action space consists of 4 actions which moves the agent in one of the 4 natural directions (North, East, West, and South).
GCC 4.9+, Clang 5+, or Visual C++ 14+
python >= 3.5, gym >= 0.22.0, numpy, matplotlib, scikit-image >= 0.19.2, scikit-learn >= 1.0.2, scipy >= 1.8.0, torch >= 1.10.1, torchvision >= 0.10.0
You can do the following installation without hassle if you have configured your system to establish ssh
connection with github ( Otherwise, you will have to use https
links to work with git.
After installing the requirements, clone the JBW repo:
git clone [email protected]:NishanthVAnand/jelly-bean-world.git
Install the Jbw repo:
cd jelly-bean-world
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd api/python
python install
Mac M1 users will use
instead. You are required to run git submodule update --init --recursive
only the first time and subsequently you will run git submodule update --remote
instead, which pulls the latest dependencies required for the Jbw package. For some of you working without ssh connection, the above commands might not work. In that case run:
cd jelly-bean-world
rm -rf jbw/deps/core
git rm jbw/deps/core
git submodule add jbw/deps/core
rm -rf jbw/deps/math
git rm jbw/deps/math
git submodule add jbw/deps/math
cd api/python
python install
Subsequently, you can use git submodule update --remote
- Testing: Jbw must have installed now. You can test it by running the below code in a python interpreter.
import jbw
import gym
env = gym.make("JBW-COMP579-obj-v1")
curr_obs = env.reset()
Hurray! You can now fill up the
file in the project template folder to train your agent.
- Set some flags to visualize your agent:
import jbw
import gym
env = gym.make("JBW-COMP579-obj-v1", render=True)
curr_obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
You can now see what your agent is doing in the environment. Use this feature only discretely as the training times can impact significantly while visualizing.
Observation space:
are a tuple of 4 elements which contains different informations as described earlier. You can unpack them as:curr_scent, curr_vision, curr_features, _ = curr_obs
, wherecurr_scent
is a sample fromscent_space
is a sample fromvision_space
, and curr_featuresis a sample from
feature_space`. -
Wrappers: At times, you may need to perform some operations on your input space, like converting RGB images to grayscale or stacking
previous observations to form a state, etc. All these operations has to go inside
file. Any operations performed outside
file could throw errors while evaluating your agent, which could give you a score of0
. We provide a couple of examples for wrappers, but these can't be used as is. You will have to rewrite the code to fit them inside
file to use it.
import gym
from gym import Wrapper
from gym.wrappers import LazyFrames
from gym.spaces import Box
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchvision import transforms as T
class FrameStack(Wrapper):
Observation wrapper that stacks the observations in a rolling manner.
For example, if the number of stacks is 4, then the returned observation contains
the most recent 4 observations. For environment 'Pendulum-v0', the original observation
is an array with shape [3], so if we stack 4 observations, the processed observation
has shape [4, 3].
To be memory efficient, the stacked observations are wrapped by :class:`LazyFrame`.
The observation space must be `Box` type. If one uses `Dict`
as observation space, it should apply `FlattenDictWrapper` at first.
>>> import gym
>>> env = gym.make('PongNoFrameskip-v0')
>>> env = FrameStack(env, 4)
>>> env.observation_space
Box(4, 210, 160, 3)
env (Env): environment object
num_stack (int): number of stacks
lz4_compress (bool): use lz4 to compress the frames internally
def __init__(self, env, num_stack, lz4_compress=False):
super(FrameStack, self).__init__(env)
self.num_stack = num_stack
self.lz4_compress = lz4_compress
self.vision_frames = deque(maxlen=num_stack)
self.scent_frames = deque(maxlen=num_stack)
self.feature_frames = deque(maxlen=num_stack)
low = np.repeat(self.vision_space.low[np.newaxis, ...], num_stack, axis=0)
high = np.repeat(self.vision_space.high[np.newaxis, ...], num_stack, axis=0)
self.vision_space = Box(low=low, high=high, dtype=self.vision_space.dtype)
scent_low = np.repeat(self.scent_space.low[np.newaxis, ...], num_stack, axis=0)
scent_high = np.repeat(self.scent_space.high[np.newaxis, ...], num_stack, axis=0)
self.scent_space = Box(low=scent_low, high=scent_high, dtype=self.scent_space.dtype)
feature_low = np.repeat(self.feature_space.low[np.newaxis, ...], num_stack, axis=0)
feature_high = np.repeat(self.feature_space.high[np.newaxis, ...], num_stack, axis=0)
self.feature_space = Box(low=feature_low, high=feature_high, dtype=self.feature_space.dtype)
def _get_vision(self):
assert len(self.vision_frames) == self.num_stack, (len(self.vision_frames), self.num_stack)
return LazyFrames(list(self.vision_frames), self.lz4_compress)
def _get_scent(self):
assert len(self.scent_frames) == self.num_stack, (len(self.scent_frames), self.num_stack)
return LazyFrames(list(self.scent_frames), self.lz4_compress)
def _get_feature(self):
assert len(self.feature_frames) == self.num_stack, (len(self.feature_frames), self.num_stack)
return LazyFrames(list(self.feature_frames), self.lz4_compress)
def step(self, action):
state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
scent, observation, feature, moved = state
return ( self._get_scent(), self._get_vision(), self._get_feature(), moved), reward, done, info
def reset(self, **kwargs):
state = self.env.reset(**kwargs)
scent, observation, feature, moved = state
[self.vision_frames.append(observation) for _ in range(self.num_stack)]
[self.scent_frames.append(scent) for _ in range(self.num_stack)]
[self.feature_frames.append(feature) for _ in range(self.num_stack)]
return (self._get_scent(), self._get_vision(), self._get_feature(), moved)
class ObservationWrapper(Wrapper):
def reset(self, **kwargs):
state = self.env.reset(**kwargs)
scent, obs, feature, moved = state
return (self.get_scent(scent), self.get_observation(obs), self.get_feature(feature), moved)
def step(self, action):
state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
scent, obs, feature, moved = state
return (self.get_scent(scent), self.get_observation(obs), self.get_feature(feature), moved), reward, done, info
def permute_orientation(self, observation):
# permute [H, W, C] array to [C, H, W] tensor
observation = np.transpose(observation, (2, 0, 1))
observation = torch.tensor(observation.copy(), dtype=torch.float)
return observation
def get_observation(self, observation):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_scent(self, scent):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_feature(self, feature):
raise NotImplementedError
class GrayScaleObservation(ObservationWrapper):
def __init__(self, env):
obs_shape = self.vision_space.shape[:2]
self.vision_space = Box(low=0, high=255, shape=obs_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
def get_observation(self, observation):
if isinstance(observation, torch.Tensor):
observation = observation.numpy()
observation = self.permute_orientation(observation)
transform = T.Compose([T.ToPILImage(), T.Grayscale(), T.ToTensor()])
observation = transform(observation).squeeze()
return observation
def get_scent(self, scent):
return scent
def get_feature(self, feature):
return feature
- Running
on colab: It is not recommended to runjbw
on colab because some things can break and we can't fix all of them. But you can follow below instructions to run it anyways.
from IPython.display import clear_output
!pip3 install gym
!rm -rf jelly-bean-world/ || true
!git clone
%cd jelly-bean-world/
!rm -rf jbw/deps/core
!git rm jbw/deps/core
!git submodule add jbw/deps/core
!rm -rf jbw/deps/math
!git rm jbw/deps/math
!git submodule add jbw/deps/math
!git submodule update --init --recursive
%cd api/python/
!python install
%cd ../../..
import jbw
import gym
env = gym.make("JBW-COMP579-obj-v1")
curr_obs = env.reset()