Atmospheric variables control based on Pi-Pico W powered by battery(4xAA NiMh).
Raw data sent every 186-189 seconds to Thingspeak db. Data sent by MQTT.
Analysis on raw data done in Thingspeak channel via MATLAB.
Link to raw data channel:
Link to processed data channel:
By default 180 seconds of deep sleep with ≈2mA consumption and 6-9 seconds of activity with 50-60mA consumption. NTP client and RTC used to know when to wake up, no deep sleep until NTP sets RTC. In short, each cycle is composed by this actions:
1.-Wakes up and connects to saved WiFi, after WiFi link is up it takes measurements and sends it to DB(6-9 seconds of activity, depends on signal strengh).
2.-Then checks if everything ok. If ok turns off WiFi chip and deep sleeps keeping only RTC online to wake up when set(by default every 180 seconds).
3.-Back to 1.
All welded by me so room for improvement...
-DHT22: temperature and humidity.
-BMP280: atmospheric pressure and temperature.
-INA219: power control.
-LDR for simple measurement of light conditions.
-On-chip voltage and temperature data.
Battery pack:
-4xAA rechargeable NiMh.
-Over/Underclock control.
-Wifi scan and connection/reconnection logic to set ssids.
-NTP time check/update every 3 days in order to avoid RTC time drift.
-Some code cleanup needed. Mix of C/C++ needs to be rearranged(dht22 lib).
-Test Li-Ion battery instead of 4xAA NiMh.
-Add solar panel(5-6v 1-2W) for night charging/discharging cycle. Trickle charging NiMh?.