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This repository contains my solutions to various coding problems from LeetCode. Each problem is organized into a separate folder, and within each folder, you will find the solution code along with comments.

Table of Contents 1.\ Two\ Sum 10.\ Regular\ Expression\ Matching 13.\ Roman\ to\ Integer 2.\ Add\ Two\ Numbers 20.\ Valid\ Parentheses 217.\ Contains\ Duplicate 238.\ Product\ of\ Array\ Except\ Self 242.\ Valid\ Anagram 347.\ Top\ K\ Frequent\ Elements 36.\ Valid\ Sudoku 37.\ Sudoku\ Solver 49.\ Group\ Anagrams 51.\ N-Queens 52.\ N-Queens\ II 659.\ Encode\ and\ Decode\ Strings 9.\ Palindrome\ Number ... Getting Started To access the solutions and code for a specific problem, simply click on the corresponding folder link in the table of contents above. Inside each problem folder, you will find the following:

Solution Code: The main solution code in a language of my choice (probably Python).

In the future => A detailed explanation of the problem, the approach I used to solve it, and any important insights or caveats.

Input/Output Examples: Sample test cases and their expected output to help you understand the problem and verify the correctness of the solution.

Contribution If you have a better or more efficient solution for any of the problems, feel free to contribute! Here's how you can do it:

Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.

Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your change (e.g., feature/new-solution).

Make your changes and improvements.

Update the file in the problem folder to include your solution and any necessary explanations.

Create a pull request (PR) to merge your changes back into this repository.

Please make sure to follow the coding and documentation standards observed in this repository.

Feedback and Issues If you encounter any issues with the solutions or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on this repository. Your feedback is highly valuable, and I appreciate any contributions or bug reports.

Acknowledgments I'd like to thank LeetCode for providing a platform to practice and improve coding skills. Additionally, thanks to the open-source community for their continuous support and inspiration.

Happy Coding! 🚀


Collection of my solved LeetCode problems.






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