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Pipeline for variant annotation using Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)

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VEP variant annotation pipeline


The following software is required:

  • Apptainer (tested with version 1.2.4)
  • Nextflow (tested with version 23)
  • Only when using enable_summary = true. Python 3 (tested with version 3.7.7) with the following packages: pysam, nbconvert, ipykernel, pandas.



  • Your input VCFs must be indexed and have corresponding .tbi files
  • Input VCFs from the same study must have the same prefix, which can't be a chromosome name.
  • Input VCFs can be split by chromosome as long as they all have the same prefix e.g., [prefix].chr1, [prefix].chr2, ..., [prefix].chrY.

Execution diagram

1. Installation


If you are a member of the CERC-Genomic-Medicine team, then all necessary files to run VEP are already installed on the server. Consult with your colleagues on where to find them.

This section describes how to set up VEP, download all necessary cache files, and install LoFtee plugin.

1.1. Setting up VEP

  1. Load apptainer module:

    module load apptainer
  2. Build the SIF image with additional tools: samtools, bcftools, and DBD::SQLite.

    Use SylabsCloud free Remote Builder service to create the SIF image remotely. Specify the following in your definition file (i.e. .def file):

    Bootstrap: docker
    From: ensemblorg/ensembl-vep:latest
         apt-get update -y
         apt-get install -y samtools
         apt-get install -y bcftools
         apt-get install -y libdbd-sqlite3-perl

    After you built the SIF image using the Remote Builder web interface, pull the image to the cluster.

    Confirm that the SylabsCloud remote service is available (if not, you will need to add it):

    apptainer remote list

    Login to the SylabsCloud remote service

    apptainer remote login SylabsCloud

    Pull the SIF image using the repository name you speficied when creating the SIF image:

    apptainer pull vep.sif library://dtaliun/remote-builds/vep:23may2024
  3. Download VEP cache files into local vep_cache directory:

    mkdir `pwd`/vep_cache
    export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    apptainer run -B `pwd`/vep_cache:/opt/vep/.vep vep.sif -a cf -s homo_sapiens -y GRCh38 -c /opt/vep/.vep

    This step may take more than 1h.

1.2. Setting up LoFtee

More detailed instructions on how to set up LoFtee are here.

  1. You must clone LoFtee repository into your local vep_cache directory:

    cd vep_cache
    git clone loftee_GRCh37
    git clone loftee_GRCh38
    cd loftee_GRCh38
    git checkout grch38
    cd ..
  2. Download all necessary databases (based on human genome build you plan to use) as described here into your vep_cache directory into folders loftee_db_GRCh37 and loftee_db_GRCh38. These should include: GERP conservation scores (only for GRCh38), human_ancestor.fa files, SQL databases with PhyloCSF metrics (SQL files must be unzipped).

1.3. Setting up CADD

  1. Download VEP plugins into vep_cache directory:
    cd vep_cache
    git clone Plugins
    cd ..
  2. Download CADD scores for GRCh37 and GRCh38 builds
    cd vep_cache
    mkdir CADD_GRCh37
    cd CADD_GRCh37
    cd ..
    mkdir CADD_GRCh38
    cd CADD_GRCh38
    cd ..
    cd ..

1.4. Adding custom VEP plugins

  1. Copy Plugins/ file from this repository to the vep_cache/Plugins directory.
    cd Plungins
    cd ..

1.5. Conclusion

After above steps, your local vep_cache directory should be similar to this:

|- vep_cache
   |- homo_sapiens (directory with VEP databases)
   |- loftee_GRCh37 (loftee scripts for build GRCh37)
   |- loftee_GRCh38 (loftee scripts for build GRCh38)
   |- loftee_db_GRCh37 (loftee databases for build GRCh37)
   |- loftee_db_GRCh38 (loftee databases for build GRCh38)
   |- Plugins (CADD plugin)
   |- CADD_GRCh37 (CADD scores for build GRCh37)
   |- CADD_GRCh38 (CADD scores for build GRCh38)

2. Running

  1. Clone this repository to the directory where you will run the pipeline:

    git clone
  2. Modify nextflow.config configuration file.

    • params.vcfs -- path to your VCF/BCF file(s). You can use glob expressions to selecect multiple files.
    • params.assembly -- set to "GRCh37" or "GRCh38".
    • params.vep_cache -- full path to your local vep_cache directory.
    • params.vep_flags -- flags you want to pass to VEP.
    • params.loftee_flags -- comma-separated list of additional LoFtee flags (with leading comma). Flags loftee_path, gerp_bigwig, human_ancestor_fa, and conservation_file are set automatically based on the selected assembly.
    • enable_summary -- set to true if you want to generate HTML summary files.
    • process.container -- full path to the Singularity image file (see step 1.1.).
    • executor.$slurm.queueSize -- maximal number of SLURM jobs to submit at once.
  3. Run pipeline:

    module load nextflow
    module load apptainer
    nextflow run -w ~/scratch/work_directory

    Important: when working on Compute Canada HPC, set working directory to ~/scratch/<new directory name>. This will speed up IO and also save space on your project partition. After the execution, if there were no errors and you are happy with the results, you can remove this working directory.

3. Custom VCFs

In this section, we will explain how to integrate custom VCF files, such as gnomAD v2, into your VEP command line using this pipeline.

  1. Download the custom VCF into the cache. As an exemple, we downloaded the gnomAD v2 VCF file which is located at:
  1. To integrate the custom VCF into your VEP command, add the relevant flags to the nextflow.config file under the --custom flag. Below is an example configuration:
vep_flags = "--sift b --polyphen b --ccds --uniprot --hgvs --symbol --numbers --domains --regulatory --canonical --protein --biotype --af --af_1kg --af_gnomade --af_gnomadg --pubmed --shift_hgvs 0 --allele_number --buffer_size 10000 --custom /opt/vep/.vep/custom_vcf/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.PASS.noVEP.vcf.gz,gnomad_exomes,vcf,exact,0,AN_nfe,AC_nfe,non_cancer_AN_nfe,non_cancer_AC_nfegnomad.exomes.r2.1.1.sites.liftover_grch38.PASS.noVEP.vcf.gz,gnomad_exomes,vcf,exact,0,AN_nfe,AC_nfe,non_cancer_AN_nfe,non_cancer_AC_nfe"

In this case, the custom flag integrates the gnomAD v2 VCF with the following parameters:

path: Path to the custom VCF file.
identifier: A name for the custom annotation (e.g., gnomad_exomes).
type: The file type (e.g., vcf).
match_type: How to match the data (e.g., exact).
cols: Columns to include from the VCF (e.g., 0,AN_nfe,AC_nfe,non_cancer_AN_nfe,non_cancer_AC_nfe).
  1. Run pipeline. Once you have updated your nextflow.config, run your VEP command as usual. The custom VCF annotations will be included in the output.

4. Known pitfalls

  1. You may not be able to execute nextflow directly from the Compute Canada login nodes due to the 8Gb memory limit per user. One alternative is to start interactive slurm job and submit all commands from it e.g.:

    salloc --time=2:00:00 --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=16G

    Or submit a batch job with nextflow command e.g.:

    module load nextflow
    module load apptainer
    sbatch --time=2:00:00 --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=16G --wrap="nextflow run -w ~/scratch/work_directory"

    Make sure you specify enough time. VEP annotation is typically fast, but total nextflow execution time will depend on how busy the SLURM queue is.

  2. Sometimes nextflow will crash with error Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution. Most probably the SLURM queue was too busy and thus slow to respond. Your results were not lost, just resume nextflow execution with the following command and nextflow will continue from where it finished:

    nextflow run -w ~/scratch/work_directory -resume
  3. If nextflow crashes with error failed to map segment from shared object, then try to increase the amount of memory in your salloc or sbatch job.