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CE C Development SDK

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@mateoconlechuga mateoconlechuga released this 21 Dec 05:46
· 2652 commits to master since this release


  1. Download and extract the file below, and locate the folder 'CEdev'
    Place the 'CEdev' folder close to your root directory, i.e. C:\CEdev (or ~/CEdev on macOS/Linux), with no spaces in the path.
  2. If you are using Windows, simply run setup_win.exe with admin privileges within the 'CEdev' folder. Otherwise, if you are using Linux, macOS or you wish to do a manual Windows install, a detailed guide for configuring your enviornment variables can be found here.

Included are the 'Standard' CE C Libraries. These perform efficient support for graphics, file I/O, keypad input, etc. Examples are found in CEdev/examples/library_examples

For more information on how to use this toolchain, please see the wiki pages.