Calculadoira is a simple yet powerful calculator. Unlike most of other calculators, Calculadoira is based on a textual interface. It may seem a bit spartan and outdated but entering expressions with the keyboard is way easier than with a mouse. And you get nice editing features for free (edition, copy/paste, history, …).
You can contribute to Calculadoira on GitHub.
Copyright (C) 2011 - 2024 Christophe Delord
Calculadoira is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Calculadoira is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Calculadoira. If not, see <>.
Installation from sources:
# First install LuaX
$ git clone && ninja install -C luax
# Then Calculadoira
$ git clone && ninja install -C calculadoira
| CALCULADOIRA v. 4.6.3 | |
| Modes: | Numbers: |
| hex oct bin float str reset | binary: 0b... | sep "" |
| hex8/16/32/64 ... | octal : 0o... | sep " " |
|----------------------------------| hexa : 0x... | sep "_" |
| Variables and functions: | float : 1.2e-3 |
| variable = expression | Chars : "abcd" or 'abcd' |
| function(x, y) = expression | "<abcd" or ">abcd" |
| Multiple statements: | Booleans : true or false |
| expr1, ..., exprn |----------------------------------|
|----------------------------------| Operators: |
| Builtin functions: | or xor and not |
| see help | < <= > >= == != |
|----------------------------------| cond?expr:expr |
| Commands: ? help license | + - * / // % ** ! |
| edit | | ^ & >> << ~ |
Calculadoira is an interactive terminal calculator. Expressions are entered with the keyboard, evaluated and the result is printed. The next section lists all the operators and functions provided by Calculadoira.
A typical interactive session looks like this:
| CALCULADOIRA v. 4.6.3 | |
| Modes: | Numbers: |
| hex oct bin float str reset | binary: 0b... | sep "" |
| hex8/16/32/64 ... | octal : 0o... | sep " " |
|----------------------------------| hexa : 0x... | sep "_" |
| Variables and functions: | float : 1.2e-3 |
| variable = expression | Chars : "abcd" or 'abcd' |
| function(x, y) = expression | "<abcd" or ">abcd" |
| Multiple statements: | Booleans : true or false |
| expr1, ..., exprn |----------------------------------|
|----------------------------------| Operators: |
| Builtin functions: | or xor and not |
| see help | < <= > >= == != |
|----------------------------------| cond?expr:expr |
| Commands: ? help license | + - * / // % ** ! |
| edit | | ^ & >> << ~ |
: x = 21
= 21
: y = 2
= 2
: (x * y) ** 2
= 1764
Integers can be decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary numbers:
: 42
= 42
: 0x24
= 36
hex 0x24
: 0o37
= 31
hex 0x1F
oct 0o37
: 0b1010
= 10
hex 0xA
oct 0o12
bin 0b1010
Rational numbers can be used to make exact computations instead of using floating point numbers.
: 1 + 2/3
= 5 / 3
= 1 + 2/3
~ 1.6666666666667
Some functions don’t support rational numbers and will produce floating point numbers.
: 1/2 + cos(0)
= 1.5
Floating point numbers are single (32 bit) or double (64 bits) precision floating point numbers.
They are represented internally by 64 bit numbers but can be converted to 32 bit numbers as well as to their IEEE 754 representation.
: 3.14
= 3.14
: 1.23e-6
= 1.23e-06
: e
= 2.718281828459
: pi
= 3.1415926535898
: float32
: pi
= 3.1415926535898
IEEE 3.1415927410126 <=> 0x40490FDB
: float64
: pi
= 3.1415926535898
IEEE 3.1415926535898 <=> 0x400921FB54442D18
: nan
= nan
IEEE nan <=> 0x7FF8000000000000
: inf
= inf
IEEE inf <=> 0x7FF0000000000000
: -inf
= -inf
IEEE -inf <=> 0xFFF0000000000000
Number types are automatically converted in a way to preserve the best precision. Integers are preferred to rational numbers and rational numbers are preferred to floating point numbers.
: 1+2/3
= 5 / 3
= 1 + 2/3
~ 1.6666666666667
: 1/3+2/3
= 1
: (2/3) * 0.5
= 0.33333333333333
By default only the raw value of the result is displayed. The user can activate additional display modes by selecting:
- the integral base (
) - the number of bits (
) - the IEEE 754 representation of floating point numbers (
) reset
resets the display mode
: 42424242
= 42424242
: dec8 # 8 bit decimal numbers
: 42424242
= 42424242
dec8 178
: hex16 # 16 bit hexadecimal numbers
: 42424242
= 42424242
dec16 22450
hex16 0x57B2
: oct32 # 32 bit octal numbers
: 42424242
= 42424242
dec32 0042424242
hex32 0x028757B2
oct32 0o00241653662
: bin64 # 64 bit binary numbers
: 42424242
= 42424242
dec64 0000000000042424242
hex64 0x00000000028757B2
oct64 0o0000000000000241653662
bin64 0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000010100001110101011110110010
: reset # raw decimal value only
: 42424242
= 42424242
Calculadoira automatically activates some display modes under some circonstances:
- integer entered in a specific base
- usage of a bitwise operator in an expression
: 4 # only the default display mode
= 4
: 0b100 # this number activates the binary display mode
= 4
bin 0b100
: 1<<10 # this operator activates the hexadecimal display mode
= 1024
hex 0x400
bin 0b10000000000
Boolean values can be used in conditional and boolean expressions.
: true
= true
: false
= false
: true and false
= false
: 1+1 == 2
= true
: 1+1==2 ? "ok" : "bug"
= 28523
hex 0x6F6B
str "ok"
: x = 13
= 13
: -x
= -13
: +x
= 13
: x + 1
= 14
: x - 1
= 12
: x * 2
= 26
: x / 5
= 13 / 5
= 2 + 3/5
~ 2.6
: x // 5 # integral division
= 2
: x % 5 # integral remainder (Euclidean division)
= 3
: x ** 2
= 169
: bin16
: ~1 # bitwise complement
= -2
hex16 0xFFFE
bin16 0b1111111111111110
: 1 | 4 # bitwise or
= 5
hex16 0x0005
bin16 0b0000000000000101
: 0b1100 ^ 0b0110 # bitwise exclusive or
= 10
hex16 0x000A
bin16 0b0000000000001010
: 0b1100 & 0b0110 # bitwise and
= 4
hex16 0x0004
bin16 0b0000000000000100
: 1 << 10 # left shift
= 1024
hex16 0x0400
bin16 0b0000010000000000
: 1024 >> 1 # right shift
= 512
hex16 0x0200
bin16 0b0000001000000000
: not true
= false
: true or false
= true
: true xor false
= true
: true and false
= false
: 12 < 13
= true
: 12 <= 13
= true
: 12 > 13
= false
: 12 >= 13
= false
: 12 == 13
= false
: 12 != 13
= true
From highest to lowest precedence:
Operator family | Syntax |
Precedence overloading | (...) |
Function evaluation | f(...) |
Factorial | x! |
Exponentiation | x**y |
Unary operators | +x , -y , ~z |
Multiplicative operators | * / % & << >> |
Additive operators | + - ` |
Relational operators | < <= > >= == != |
Logical not | not x |
Logical and | and |
Logical or | or xor |
Ternary operator | x ? y : z |
Assignement | x = y |
Blocks | expr1, ..., exprn |
Calculadoira can define and reuse variables.
: x = 1
= 1
: y = 2
= 2
: x+y
= 3
: y = 3
= 3
: x+y
= 4
Calculadoira can also define functions.
: f(x) = 2 * x
: f(5)
= 10
Functions can be defined with multiple statements and be recursive.
: fib(n) = (n <= 1 ? 1 : (f1=fib(n-1), f2=fib(n-2), f1+f2))
: fib(1)
= 1
: fib(10)
= 89
You can see in the previous example that the evaluation is lazy! Thanks to laziness, functions can also be mutually recursive.
: isEven(n) = n == 0 ? true : isOdd(n-1)
: isOdd(n) = n == 0 ? false : isEven(n-1)
: isEven(10)
= true
: isOdd(10)
= false
: int(pi) # Integral part
= 3
: float(2/3) # Conversion to floating point numbers
= 0.66666666666667
: rat(pi) # Rational approximation
= 355 / 113
= 3 + 16/113
~ 3.141592920354
: rat(pi, 1e-2) # Rational approximation with a given precision
= 22 / 7
= 3 + 1/7
~ 3.1428571428571
: x = pi, y = e, b = 3
= 3
: abs(x) # absolute value of x
= 3.1415926535898
: ceil(x) # smallest integer larger than or equal to x
= 4
: floor(x) # largest integer smaller than or equal to x
= 3
: round(x) # round to the nearest integer
= 3.0
: trunc(x) # round toward zero
= 3.0
: mantissa(x) # m such that x = m2e, |m| is in [0.5, 1[
= 0.78539816339745
: exponent(x) # e such that x = m2e, e is an integer
= 2
: int(x) # integral part of x
= 3
: fract(x) # fractional part of x
= 0.14159265358979
: min(x, y) # minimum value among its arguments
= 2.718281828459
: max(x, y) # maximum value among its arguments
= 3.1415926535898
: sqr(x) # square of x (x**2)
= 9.8696044010894
: sqrt(x) # square root of x (x**0.5)
= 1.7724538509055
: cbrt(x) # cubic root of x (x**(1/3))
= 1.4645918875615
: cos(x) # trigonometric functions
= -1.0
: acos(x)
= nan
: cosh(x)
= 11.591953275522
: sin(x)
= 1.2246467991474e-16
: asin(x)
= nan
: sinh(x)
= 11.548739357258
: tan(x)
= -1.2246467991474e-16
: atan(x)
= 1.2626272556789
: tanh(x)
= 0.99627207622075
: atan(y, x) # arc tangent of y/x (in radians)
= 0.71328454043905
: atan2(y, x) # arc tangent of y/x (in radians)
= 0.71328454043905
: deg(x) # angle x (given in radians) in degrees
= 180.0
: rad(x) # angle x (given in degrees) in radians
= 0.054831135561608
: exp(x) # e**x
= 23.140692632779
: log(x) # logarithm of x in base e
= 1.1447298858494
: ln(x) # logarithm of x in base e
= 1.1447298858494
: log10(x) # logarithm of x in base 10
= 0.49714987269413
: log2(x) # logarithm of x in base 2
= 1.6514961294723
: log(b, x) # logarithm of x in base b
= 0.95971311856939
: x = pi, n = 0x402df854
= 1076754516
hex 0x402DF854
: float32
: x = pi, n = 0x402df854
= 1076754516
hex32 0x402DF854
IEEE 2.7182817459106 <=> 0x402DF854
: float2ieee(x) # IEEE 754 representation of x (32 bits)
= 1078530011
hex32 0x40490FDB
IEEE 3.1415927410126 <=> 0x40490FDB
: ieee2float(n) # 32 bit float value of the IEEE 754 integer n
= 2.7182817459106
IEEE 2.7182817459106 <=> 0x402DF854
: x = pi, n = 0x4005bf0a8b145769
= 4613303445314885481
hex 0x4005BF0A8B145769
: float64
: x = pi, n = 0x4005bf0a8b145769
= 4613303445314885481
hex64 0x4005BF0A8B145769
IEEE 2.718281828459 <=> 0x4005BF0A8B145769
: double2ieee(x) # IEEE 754 representation of x (64 bits)
= 4614256656552045848
hex64 0x400921FB54442D18
IEEE 3.1415926535898 <=> 0x400921FB54442D18
: ieee2double(n) # 64 bit float value of the IEEE 754 integer n
= 2.718281828459
IEEE 2.718281828459 <=> 0x4005BF0A8B145769
: x = pi
= 3.1415926535898
: isfinite(x) # true if x is finite
= true
: isinf(x) # true if x is infinite
= false
: isnan(x) # true if x is not a number
= false
: isnormal(x) # true if x is a normalized number
= true
Other commands | Description |
bye, exit, quit | quit |
help | print this help |
version | print the version number |
: help
| CALCULADOIRA v. 4.6.3 | |
| Modes: | Numbers: |
| hex oct bin float str reset | binary: 0b... | sep "" |
| hex8/16/32/64 ... | octal : 0o... | sep " " |
|----------------------------------| hexa : 0x... | sep "_" |
| Variables and functions: | float : 1.2e-3 |
| variable = expression | Chars : "abcd" or 'abcd' |
| function(x, y) = expression | "<abcd" or ">abcd" |
| Multiple statements: | Booleans : true or false |
| expr1, ..., exprn |----------------------------------|
|----------------------------------| Operators: |
| Builtin functions: | or xor and not |
| see help | < <= > >= == != |
|----------------------------------| cond?expr:expr |
| Commands: ? help license | + - * / // % ** ! |
| edit | | ^ & >> << ~ |
Constants Value
=========================== ===============================================
nan, NaN Not a Number
inf, Inf Infinite
pi 3.1415926535898
e 2.718281828459
Operators / functions Description
=========================== ===============================================
+x, -x
x + y, x - y sum, difference
x * y, x / y, x % y product, division
x // y, x % y integral division, modulo
x ** y x to the power y
~x bitwise not
x | y, x ^ y, x & y bitwise or, xor, and
x << n, x >> n x left or right shifted by n bits
not x boolean not
x or y, x xor y, x and y boolean or, xor, and
x < y, x <= y comparisons
x > y, x >= y
x == y, x != y, x ~= y
x! factorial of x
int(x) x converted to int
float(x) x converted to float
rat(x) x converted to rat
abs(x) absolute value of x
ceil(x) smallest integer larger than or equal to x
floor(x) largest integer smaller than or equal to x
round(x) round to the nearest integer
trunc(x) tround toward zero
mantissa(x) m such that x = m2e, |m| is in [0.5, 1[
exponent(x) e such that x = m2e, e is an integer
int(x) integral part of x
fract(x) fractional part of x
fmod(x, y) remainder of the division of x by y
ldexp(m, e) m*2**e (e should be an integer)
pow(x, y) x to the power y
min(...), max(...) minimum / maximum value among its arguments
sqr(x) square of x (x**2)
sqrt(x) square root of x (x**0.5)
cbrt(x) cubic root of x (x**(1/3))
cos(x), acos(x), cosh(x) trigonometric functions
sin(x), asin(x), sinh(x)
tan(x), atan(x), tanh(x)
atan(y, x), atan2(y, x) arc tangent of y/x (in radians)
deg(x) angle x (given in radians) in degrees
rad(x) angle x (given in degrees) in radians
exp(x) e**x
exp2(x) 2**x
expm1(x) e**x - 1
log(x), ln(x) logarithm of x in base e
log10(x), log2(x) logarithm of x in base 10, 2
log1p(x) log(1 + x)
logb(x) log2(|x|)
log(x, b) logarithm of x in base b
random() random number in [0, 1[
random(m) random integer in [1, m]
random(m, n) random integer in [m, n]
randomseed(x) x as the "seed" for the pseudo-random generator
float2ieee(x) IEEE 754 representation of x (32 bits)
ieee2float(n) 32 bit float value of the IEEE 754 integer n
double2ieee(x) IEEE 754 representation of x (64 bits)
ieee2double(n) 64 bit float value of the IEEE 754 integer n
erf(x) error function
erfc(x) complementary error function
gamma(x) gamma function
lgamma(x) log-gamma function
isfinite(x) true if x is finite
isinf(x) true if x is infinite
isnan(x) true if x is not a number
copysign(x, y) sign(y) * |x|
fdim(x, y) x - y if x>y, 0 otherwise
hypot(x, y) sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
nextafter(x, y) next float after x in the direction of y
remainder(x, y) remainder of x/y
scalbn(x, n) x * 2**n
fma(x, y, z) x*y + z
Display modes
dec, hex, oct, bin and str commands change the display mode.
When enabled, the integer result is displayed in
hexadecimal, octal, binary and/or as a string.
float mode shows float values and their IEEE encoding.
str mode show the ASCII representation of 1 upto 4 chars.
dec, hex, oct, bin can have suffixes giving the number of bits
to be displayed (e.g. hex16 shows 16 bit results). Valid suffixes
are 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128.
float can have suffixes giving the size of floats (32 or 64).
The reset command reset the display mode.
The sep command set the digit separator. valid separators are:
- sep "": no separator
- sep " ": digits separated with space
- sep "_": digits separated with an underscore
Note: the space separator cannot be used to enter numbers.
A block is made of several expressions separated by `,` or ` `.
The value of the block is the value of the last expression.
e.g. x=1, y=2, x+y defines x=1, y=2 and returns 3
Definitions made in functions are local.
e.g. f(x) = (y=1, x+y) defines a function f that
returns x+1. y is local to f.
Local definitions can be functions.
e.g. fact(n) = (f(n,p)=(n==1)?p:f(n-1,n*p), f(n,1))
Operator precedence
From highest to lowest precedence:
Operator family Syntax
=========================== =================
Precedence overloading (...)
Function evaluation f(...)
Factorial x!
Exponentiation x**y
Unary operators +x, -y, ~z
Multiplicative operators * / % & << >>
Additive operators + - | ^
Relational operators < <= > >= == !=
Logical not not x
Logical and and
Logical or or xor
Ternary operator x ? y : z
Assignement x = y
Blocks expr1, ..., exprn
Other commands Description
=========================== ===========================
edit Edit calculadoira.ini
bye exit quit Quit
? Help summary
help Full help
license Show Calculadoira license
LuaX :
"Calculadoira" means "Calculator" in Occitan.