This is a Python Benchmark suite that focuses on Memory Usage and Heap Analysis. The micro-benchmarks have been chosen for memory intensive programs Intended for anyone that wants to analyse memory Usage of different Python versions.
The suite supports Python 2, Python 3, PyPy 2 and PyPy 3.
The benchmarks feature programs with large demands for memory and are mostly array intensive programs like scientific computing problems, some games and other general programs that are container intensive.
The memory Information analysed by the suite include:
- Shared Memory
- USS and
- Heap Analysis
The main metric considered is the Resident Set Size(RSS) which is the allocated memory for a program. This is chosen because;
- It is machine-independent. Though programs will use more memory on 64-bit machines than 32-bit machines.
- Stretches the memory manager as it puts a lot of pressure on it.
The metrics on Resident Set Size seem to over report for multi-threaded programs. In the event that two threads share memory, the reported RSS comprises individual memory usage of this memory for each thread.
Therefore this metric is unsuitable for Multiprocessing and multi-threaded programs. Consider other metrics other that RSS in these scenarios.
The suite should be launched on Python 3 but benchmarks will be run with the specified Python version available as an option.
Get the source code:
git clone
cd python-gc-benchmark
## Install dependencies for both Python 2 and 3
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Benchmark suite uses Python3
python3 install
Run a specific benchmark:
python-gc-benchmark run -p <python version> -b <benchmark>
View the heap:
python-gc-benchmark heap -p <python version> -b <benchmark>
View objects on the heap not reachable from the roots after GC :
python-gc-benchmark heapu -p <python version> -b <benchmark>
Run all benchmarks:
python-gc-benchmark run -p <python version>
Use pip to install the package:
pip install python-gc-benchmark
Run a specific benchmark:
python-gc-benchmark run -p <python version> -b <benchmark>
Run all benchmarks:
python-gc-benchmark run -p <python version>
Let us run some sample benchmarks :
Python 2 :
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ python-gc-benchmark run -p python2 -b python_gc_benchmark/benchmarks/
Memory Benchmark for : python_gc_benchmark/benchmarks/
RSS: 786432 kb
VMS: 5582848 kb
Shared: 720896 kb
Data: 323584 kb
USS: 126976 kb
PSS: 192512 kb
Python 3 :
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ python-gc-benchmark run -p python3 -b python_gc_benchmark/benchmarks/
Memory Benchmark for : python_gc_benchmark/benchmarks/
RSS: 794624 kb
VMS: 5582848 kb
Shared: 729088 kb
Data: 323584 kb
USS: 126976 kb
PSS: 192512 kb
And now, Heap Analysis :
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ python-gc-benchmark heap -p python3 -b python_gc_benchmark/benchmarks/
Partition of a set of 16 objects. Total size = 1952 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 1 6 496 25 496 25 types.FrameType
1 1 6 240 12 736 38 dict of _io.FileIO
2 1 6 240 12 976 50 dict of psutil.Popen
3 1 6 240 12 1216 62 dict of subprocess.Popen
4 1 6 176 9 1392 71 _io.BufferedReader
5 2 12 128 7 1520 78 tuple
6 1 6 80 4 1600 82 psutil._pslinux.Process
7 1 6 72 4 1672 86 _io.FileIO
8 1 6 56 3 1728 89 psutil.Popen
9 1 6 56 3 1784 91 subprocess.Popen
<4 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
Finally, Heap Analysis After Garbage Collection :
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ python-gc-benchmark heapu -p python3 -b python_gc_benchmark/benchmarks/
Data from unreachable objects.
Partition of a set of 741 objects. Total size = 171990 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Type
0 83 11 77848 45 77848 45 dict
1 46 6 39744 23 117592 68 type
2 50 7 11200 7 128792 75 set
3 124 17 9920 6 138712 81 types.WrapperDescriptorType
4 116 16 9280 5 147992 86 builtins.weakref
5 94 13 6768 4 154760 90 types.BuiltinMethodType
6 92 12 5608 3 160368 93 tuple
7 55 7 3960 2 164328 96 types.MethodDescriptorType
8 53 7 3816 2 168144 98 types.MemberDescriptorType
9 14 2 2166 1 170310 99 str
<6 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
Note, examples are running on this specification :
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 19.04
Release: 19.04
Codename: disco
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ python2
Python 2.7.15 (default, Aug 20 2019, 10:48:33)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $ python3
Python 3.7.2 (default, Aug 20 2019, 10:51:20)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()
gitpod /workspace/python-gc-benchmark $
- Add other useful commands.
- Investigate Ubuntu s390x .