We used following technoligies to develop this module
This app requires Node.js to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd [PrjFolder]/parkit-reactjs
$ npm install
$ npm start
To Upload firebase functions for testing enviornemnt
$ cd [PrjFolder]/firebase-tools
$ firebase use default
$ firebase deploy --only functions
For production environments... Deploy functions only
$ cd [PrjFolder]/firebase-tools
$ firebase use prod
$ firebase deploy --only functions
Deploy host only
$ cd [PrjFolder]/parkit-reactjs
$ cd npm run-script build
$ cd [PrjFolder]/firebase-tools
$ firebase use prod
$ firebase deploy --except functions
$ firebase deploy --only hosting
Local testing
$ cd functions
$ npm run hotReload
$ firebase serve --only functions
$ firebase emulators:start --only functions
$ firebase serve --only functions