This PHP script should make it possible to receive status information from your FIAT car.
Following sources were used to generate this PHP script:
Thanks to all, which helped with some puzzle parts. It was not so easy to combine a C# and a Go implementation to a PHP one. I tried to use standard functions (CURL) or standard bundles like the AWS one as far as possible to make the script reuseable also in other coding languages.
- All requests tested successfully with my car.
- Possibility for command requests added with function apiCommand
- As I'm using #OpenHAB as a smart home plattform I would highly appreciate if this PHP script could be a good starting point to develop a FIAT binding.
- Unfortunately I'm not familiar with binding development for OpenHAB, but maybe someone else could help out to do the programming part. I would support on the testing part.
- Tested cars: Fiat 500e 2023 (tested by two people)
An example for how to call the is shown in the example.php
Please send information provided by exportInformation() function, so that I could do some tests with other vehicle data than from my car. Feel free to XXX-out sensible information, but please don't delete complete information blocks.