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This project allows me to learn modern full-stack development practices and explore the new features introduced in Next.js 15 and React 19. This project focuses on mimicking the functionality of a SaaS application, allowing me to gain hands-on experience with advanced concepts such as caching strategies, server actions, webhooks, and React Hooks.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Parity Deals clone

Database Entity-Relationship Diagram

  products {
    uuid id PK
    text clerk_user_id FK "NN"
    text name "NN"
    text url "NN"
    timestamp created_at "NN"
    timestamp updated_at "NN"

  product_customizations {
    uuid id PK
    text class_prefix
    uuid product_id FK, UK "NN"
    text location_message "NN"
    text background_color "NN"
    text text_color "NN"
    text font_size "NN"
    text banner_container "NN"
    boolean is_sticky "NN"
    timestamp created_at "NN"
    timestamp updated_at "NN"

  country_groups {
    uid id PK
    text name UK "NN"
    real recommended_discount_percentage
    timestamp created_at "NN"
    timestamp updated_at "NN"

  countries {
    uuid id PK
    text name UK "NN"
    text code UK "NN"
    uuid country_group_id FK "NN"
    timestamp created_at "NN"
    timestamp updated_at "NN"

  product_views {
    uuid id PK
    uuid product_id FK "NN"
    uuid country_id FK
    timestamp visited_at "NN"

  country_group_discounts {
    uuid country_group_id PK, FK "NN"
    uuid product_id PK, FK "NN"
    text coupon "NN"
    real discount_percentage "NN"
    timestamp created_at "NN"
    timestamp updated_at "NN"

  user_subscriptions {
    uuid id PK
    text clerk_user_id UK "NN"
    text stripe_subscription_item_id
    text stripe_subscription_id
    text stripe_customer_id
    TierEnum tier "NN"
    timestamp created_at "NN"
    timestamp updated_at "NN"

  products }o--|| user_subscriptions: "belong to"
  products ||--o| product_customizations : have
  products ||--o{ product_views : have
  products ||--o{ country_group_discounts : have
  product_views }o--o| countries: "is shown on"
  countries }o--|| country_groups: "belongs to"
  country_groups ||--o{ country_group_discounts: "is in"


This project allows me to learn modern full-stack development practices and explore the new features introduced in Next.js 15 and React 19. This project focuses on mimicking the functionality of a SaaS application, allowing me to gain hands-on experience with advanced concepts such as caching strategies, server actions, webhooks, and React Hooks.





