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Releases: BottlecapDave/HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy


26 Aug 19:24
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12.2.1 (2024-08-26)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where target rate sensor could not be reconfigured if min/max rate were set (15 minutes dev time) (e7168e4)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

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18 Aug 10:04
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12.2.0 (2024-08-18)


  • Added hypervolt support for intelligent features (15 minutes dev time) (6d8f695)
  • Added repair notice and custom github issue template when intelligent provider is not recognised (1 hour dev time) (3118cc8)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


11 Aug 06:40
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12.1.0 (2024-08-11)


  • Added support for setting Home Pro screen. You will need to reinstall the API on the Home Pro device to support this feature
    (3 hours dev time) (a620052)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


10 Aug 16:20
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12.0.2 (2024-08-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where attributes were not initialised properly for certain sensors (15 minutes dev time) (a21ec7d)
  • Fixed issue where previous rate information wasn't retrieved for intelligent tariffs where an intelligent device wasn't available (30 minutes dev time) (60aa853)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


05 Aug 06:20
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12.0.1 (2024-08-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where rate information wasn't retrieved for intelligent tariffs where an intelligent device wasn't available (2 hours dev time) (50a7bdf)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


27 Jul 05:47
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12.0.0 (2024-07-27)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed event based sensors (e.g. current_day_rates) to be situated in the correct domain (30 minutes dev time) (239093f)
  • Removed certain sensors for Octopus Home Pro as data is not available (5 minutes dev time) (85ad59c)
  • removed last_evaluated attribute as this duplicates data already available via HA sensors and removed data_last_retrieved and target_times_last_evaluated from being stored by the recorder (2 hours dev time) (20603f5)
  • Updated unloading of account to properly close existing connections (15 minutes dev time) (e56e62d)


  • Added hours mode for target rate sensors which allow the sensor to come on the minimum or maximum specified number of hours (2.5 hours dev time) (a57f5c7)
  • fixed issue with duel rate tariffs changing to non DD rates. Toggle is now available in config. (40 mins dev time) (e427419)
  • removed deprecated default tariff override sensors (5 minutes dev time) (21bf804)


  • last_evaluated attribute has been removed from all entities. You should use the inbuilt last_updated
    state/attribute provided by HA
  • Removed data_last_retrieved and
    target_times_last_evaluated from being stored in the database to try and reduce footprint. This
    follows HA guidelines around attributes that change frequently
  • Removed the deprecated default tariff override sensors. If you still require this feature, you
    should be using the new way to define them. See for more
  • If you are referencing any of the event based sensors that have had their domains fixed, you will
    need to update these references accordingly

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


10 Jul 18:17
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11.2.2 (2024-07-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed division issue with cost tracker when an update event is fired but no change is detected (30 minutes dev time) (c0eba23)
  • Fixed initialisation issue when only gas is supplied by OE (Thanks @ksimuk) (1823628)
  • Fixed issue where current consumption sensors were not available if you configured only a Home Pro (30 minutes dev time) (6499cc1)
  • Improved Home Pro error messages (5 minutes dev time) (c5e6968)
  • Separate stopping demand sensor from updating if total consumption is not available from Home Pro (30 minutes dev time) (a03cfab)
  • Sort meters by most recently active to account for switching meters (15 minutes dev) (27c39af)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


29 Jun 07:08
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11.2.1 (2024-06-29)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed calculating total gas consumption from Home Pro when reported in cubic meters (1 hour dev time) (09965b5)
  • Fixed issue where home pro could not be unset (2d419c9)
  • Fixed issue where old inactive meters were being registered (1 hour dev time) (9ab2bf7)
  • Improved Home Pro connection errors (30 minutes dev time) (40582ae)
  • Updated home pro installation command (Thanks @DJBenson) (5502619)
  • Updated home pro to ignore total_consumption of zero (15 minutes dev) (4a110f3)
  • Updated home pro to report None if demand not available (fd4cbbb)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?

Intelligent API changes Beta 04

23 Jun 04:26
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This release includes everything in as well as

fix: Fixed smart charge (5 minutes dev time)

To use this beta, follow the FAQ and select the version intelligent-api-changes-beta-04

v11.2.1 Beta 1

22 Jun 08:50
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v11.2.1 Beta 1 Pre-release
  • fix: Updated home pro to report None if demand not available
  • fix: Fixed issue where home pro could not be unset
  • fix: Updated home pro installation command
  • fix: Fixed issue where old inactive meters were being registered (1 hour dev time)
  • fix: Improved Home Pro connection errors (30 minutes dev time)

To use this beta, follow the FAQ and select the version v11.2.1-beta-01