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Releases: BottlecapDave/HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy


18 Oct 13:30
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13.0.2 (2024-10-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with restoring target rate sensors when no target times are present (7e38b6d)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

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17 Oct 17:14
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v13.0.2-beta.1 Pre-release

13.0.2-beta.1 (2024-10-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with restoring target rate sensors when no target times are present (7e38b6d)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


16 Oct 17:50
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13.0.1 (2024-10-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with initialisation when account has no electricity meters (936eed4)
  • Fixed issue with loading sensors when electricity meters are not present (1fdfff3)
  • Fixed issue with target rate and rolling target rate sensors when target times had not been previously evaluated (cdc410d)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


15 Oct 18:21
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v13.0.1-beta.2 Pre-release

13.0.1-beta.2 (2024-10-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with loading sensors when electricity meters are not present (1fdfff3)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


15 Oct 15:53
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v13.0.1-beta.1 Pre-release

13.0.1-beta.1 (2024-10-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with initialisation when account has no electricity meters (936eed4)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


14 Oct 16:26
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13.0.0 (2024-10-14)

Bug Fixes

  • blueprint: Fixed late consumption data blueprint based on changes to underlying sensors (15 minutes dev time) (7d9223b)
  • Fixed HA warning for registering an entity service with a non entity service schema (15 minutes dev time) (8decd8a)
  • Fixed issue when rate information isn't available on start up which prevented integration from starting (5 minutes dev time) (ffb8911)
  • Fixed issue where earliest period was not picked for continuous target rate sensors when multiple groups had the same total (1 hour dev time) (1dedab4)
  • Fixed issue where intelligent tariff can get into state where off peak sensors are not available (15 minutes dev time) (6882f06)
  • Fixed issue with migrating config entries from older versions of the integration (15 minutes dev time) (119c65e)
  • Fixed issue with restoring saving session baseline entity and current interval accumulative consumption sensor (5 minutes dev time) (a7fa406)
  • Fixed issue with target rate sensors when weighting was applied with finding latest rates (1 hour dev time) (07c37c6)
  • Fixed smart charge sensor always being off - Thanks @HLFCode for your assistance (15 minutes dev time) (4ae5d69)
  • Fixed target rate not re-evaluating every minute when no rates are available for target period (15 minutes dev time) (c2899ef)


  • Added intelligent support for FORD (Thanks @grantbevis) (327d92c)
  • Added sensor for tracking saving session baselines (6 hours dev time) (f3f0460)
  • Added sensor to display current 30 minute period of accumulative consumption for Home Mini. This is used for comparing with saving session baselines. (30 minutes dev time) (1eeadaa)
  • Added sensors for storing data last retrieved for all shared data (3.5 hours dev time) (cedb260)
  • Added support for rolling target sensors (3 hours dev time) (acfb113)
  • blueprint: Added blueprint for saving session baselines (45 minutes dev time) (3a30e21)
  • Increased intelligent refresh rate to 3 minutes (5 minutes dev time) (4c5b669)
  • Migrated to use new intelligent APIs (2.5 hours dev time) (80eb8bf)
  • Renamed intelligent charge limit to intelligent charge target to better reflect underlying API and purpose across providers. (15 minutes dev time) (4da40f5)
  • Renamed intelligent ready time to intelligent target time to better reflect underlying API and purpose across providers. (15 minutes dev time) (8b92442)
  • Updated previous consumption sensors to report latest available full day instead of at a fixed interval (2 hours dev time) (bb7bb0a)
  • Updated target rate weightings to support decimal numbers for more precision (1 hour dev time) (c4b78a5)


  • data_last_retrieved attribute has been removed from all sensors to reduce excessive database storage. This data is now available in separate diagnostic sensors. Please consult the docs for which diagnostic sensor is applicable for your target sensor.
  • The previous consumption sensor will now dynamically adjust to show the latest available full day instead of at a fixed interval. The fixed interval settings will no longer be applicable.
  • The intelligent ready time entity has been renamed. You will need to update any automations or dashboards that relied on the old naming.
  • The intelligent charge limit entity has been renamed. You will need to update any automations or dashboards that relied on the old naming.
  • vehicle_battery_size_in_kwh and charge_point_power_in_kw are no longer both provided together. It's either one or the other depending on which part is integrated into OE intelligent. This is due to not being available in the new APIs.

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


04 Oct 18:04
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v13.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

13.0.0-beta.3 (2024-10-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed smart charge sensor always being off - Thanks @HLFCode for your assistance (15 minutes dev time) (4ae5d69)


  • Added sensors for storing data last retrieved for all shared data (3.5 hours dev time) (cedb260)


  • data_last_retrieved attribute has been removed from all sensors to reduce excessive database storage. This data is now available in separate diagnostic senors. Please consult the docs for which diagnostic sensor is applicable for your target sensor.

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


28 Sep 16:55
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v13.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

13.0.0-beta.2 (2024-09-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when rate information isn't available on start up which prevented integration from starting (ffb8911)
  • Fixed issue with restoring saving session baseline entity and current interval accumulative consumption sensor (5 minutes dev time) (a7fa406)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


27 Sep 20:23
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v13.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

13.0.0-beta.1 (2024-09-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed HA warning for registering an entity service with a non entity service schema (15 minutes dev time) (8decd8a)
  • Fixed issue where earliest period was not picked for continuous target rate sensors when multiple groups had the same total (1 hour dev time) (1dedab4)


  • Added intelligent support for FORD (Thanks @grantbevis) (327d92c)
  • Added sensor for tracking saving session baselines (6 hours dev time) (f3f0460)
  • Added sensor to display current 30 minute period of accumulative consumption for Home Mini. This is used for comparing with saving session baselines. (30 minutes dev time) (1eeadaa)
  • Added support for rolling target sensors (3 hours dev time) (acfb113)
  • Migrated to use new intelligent APIs (2.5 hours dev time) (80eb8bf)
  • Renamed intelligent charge limit to intelligent charge target to better reflect underlying API and purpose across providers. (4da40f5)
  • Renamed intelligent ready time to intelligent target time to better reflect underlying API and purpose across providers. (8b92442)
  • Updated previous consumption sensors to report latest available full day instead of at a fixed interval (2 hours dev time) (bb7bb0a)


  • The previous consumption sensor will now dynamically adjust to show the latest available full day instead of at a fixed interval. The fixed interval settings will no longer be applicable.
  • The intelligent ready time entity has been renamed. You will need to update any automations or dashboards that relied on the old naming.
  • The intelligent charge limit entity has been renamed. You will need to update any automations or dashboards that relied on the old naming.
  • vehicle_battery_size_in_kwh and charge_point_power_in_kw are no longer both provided together. It's either one or the other depending on which part is integrated into OE intelligent. This is due to not being available in the new APIs.

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?


26 Aug 19:24
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12.2.1 (2024-08-26)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where target rate sensor could not be reconfigured if min/max rate were set (15 minutes dev time) (e7168e4)

Minimum HA Version: 2024.5.0

Enjoying the integration? Why not make a one time or monthly GitHub sponsorship or use my Octopus Energy referral link?