A directive for Vue.Js to make an calculator input behavior. Implementation of readable-number.js
Include the vue-calc-input-standalone.js to your HTML or web page file, after Vue.Js. if you want to use it without a filter
You can use vue-calc-input.js with vue-readable-number.js Filter to make two binding filter. Make it more powerfull. But you must include the readable-number-js First.
<div id="app">
<!-- Input with calculator behavior -->
<input type="text" v-calc-input />
<!-- vue-calc-input with filter -->
<input type="text" v-calc-input v-model="number | readable-number" />
<p>Your see: <b>{{ number | readable-number }}</b></p>
<p>Your model get: <b>{{ number }}</b> ({{ typeof number }})</p>
Hopefully it can be useful for your next projects.
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MIT Copyright (c) 2016 - forever Naufal Rabbani