Contains the Julia code of the "NICER" integrated assessment model for Julia 1.1
The original model from fdenning ( was running with Julia 0.6.
This update has been achieved jointly with Brian Jabarian (PSE-Princeton), to allow the model run in Julia 1.1.
- The "Optimization.jl" file contains the template for the main types of optimization. This is the main program.
- The "createPrandom.jl" and "Function_definitions.jl" contain the model.
- The "/Data" subfolder contains two data files required to run the model, i.e. certainPARAMETERS.jld and dparam_i.jld.
- The "/specificRoutines" and "/preOct2016" subfolders have not been considered nor yet updated for Julia 1.1.0.
See following paper to get more information on model: