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BHIME Project

BHIME (pronounced Bohemian) is an acronym for Bounded Height Integer Matrix Eigenvalues. This project originated in exploring and visualizing the distributions of the eigenvalues of bounded height integer matrices. The project has since evolved to include many other classes of matrices. The name has stuck and we typically call the eigenvalues in these images Bohemian Eigenvalues.

Slides on the Bohemian Eigenvalue Project can be found here.

Full examples as well as the images they produce can be found in the Examples section or in the Examples folder.

Matlab Requirements

  • The Parallel Computing Toolbox must be installed. If you do not have the parallel computing toolbox install you may modify the code slightly by changing all parfor loops to for loops.
  • All contents (files and subfolders) of the src directory must be in your Matlab working directory.

Detailed instructions on how the code works can be found in the readme in the src directory, here I will only give examples of its use as well as the full list of options.


Example 1

The eigenvalues of a random sample of 5x5 matrices where the entries are sampled uniformly from {-1, 0, 1}. See Examples/Example1.m for a more detailed explanation of how this example works.

% Set the working directory
workingDir = '~/Real5x5_d3/';

% The generator (5x5 matrices with entries sampled from {-1, 0, 1})
g = @() randomMatrix([-1, 0, 1], 5);

% Generate a random sample
generateRandomSample(g, workingDir);

% Process the sample into a grid in the complex plane
pFilename = processData(workingDir);

% The colormap for the resulting image
T = [  0,   0,   0;
       0,   0, 255;
       0, 255, 255;
       0, 255,   0;
     255, 255,   0;
     255,   0,   0;
     255,   0,   0;
     255, 255, 255;
     255, 255, 255]/255;

% The weights for the colormap
x = [0, 0.1, 0.16, 0.22, 0.28, 0.34, 0.4, 0.55, 1.0];

% Create the image
processImage(workingDir, pFilename, T, x);

This produces the image:

5x5 matrices with entries sampled from {-1, 0, 1}


Each of the methods

  • generateRandomSample
  • generateAllMatrices
  • processCharPolyFile
  • processData
  • processImage

take an optional final input value. It is a Matlab struct that controls several things when producing/processing eigenvalues. All options are summarized in the table below.

Option Name Default Details
backgroundColor [0, 0, 0] (black) Set this to a vector with 3 values representing the RGB values (between 0 and 1) to change the background color of the image that is produced
dataPrecision 'single' This can be set to either 'single' or 'double'. This option does not affect the precision the eigenvalues are computed in. Eigenvalues are always computed in double precision. By setting this to 'single' the eigenvalues will be stored in single precision. That is, they will be computed in double precision and cast to single precision for storage.
filenamePrefix 'BHIME' The name that will be used when naming the data files. The names of the data files take the form: filenamePrefix + '_' + i where i is a positive integer.
height 1001 (pixels) The height (in pixels) of the image to be produced. The width is determined from the margin such that each grid point is square.
ignoreReal false Set this value to true to ignore any eigenvalues where the imaginary part of the eigenvalue is within the ignoreRealTol of zero. This option is used for the processData function.
ignoreRealData false When this option is true, eigenvalues where the imaginary part is within ignoreRealTol of zero will not be stored in the data file. This option is used for generateRandomSample and generateAllMatrices. By setting this to true you can substantially reduce the size of the data files.
ignoreRealTol 1e-10 A complex number z will be considered a real value, and therefore ignored (if ignoreReal or ignoreRealData is true) if abs(Im(z)) < ignoreRealTol.
map @(z) z (no mapping) Map the eigenvalues by a given function handle. Must be vectorized.
margin Large enough to fit all the data points in the first data file. Must be a struct with keys:
  • bottom
  • top
  • left
  • right
that indicate the margins for the image.
matricesPerFile floor(1e6/matrixSize) Control how many matrices eigenvalues are in each data file.
maxDensity 0 (i.e. not set) Controls the maximum eigenvalue count used for coloring the image. Any point with a higher density than this this value is colored as the final color in the colormap.
minDensity 0 (i.e. not set) Controls the minimum eigenvalue count used for coloring the image. Any point with a lower density than this this value is colored as the final color in the colormap.
numCharPolyFiles 1 The number of characteristic polynomial (plain text files) to convert to eigenvalue data files.
numDataFiles 1 Set this option to a positive integer if you would like to generate multiple files with data where each file contains the eigenvalues for matricesPerFile random matrices.
numProcessFiles Number of files in the Data directory The number of data files for the processData function to use.
outputFileType 'mat' Can set to 'txt' if you want the processed data written to a text file.
overrideDataDir '' Set this option to a non-empty string indicating a directory to write the data files to. If not set they will be written to the directory workingDir/Data/. If the directory does not exist the generateRandomSample and generateAllMatrices functions will create the directory.
overrideImagesDir '' Set this option to a non-empty string indicating a directory to write the images to. If not set they will be written to the directory workingDir/Images/. If the directory does not exist the processImage function will create it.
overrideProcessedDataDir '' Set this option to a non-empty string indicating a directory to write the processed data files to. If not set they will be written to the directory workingDir/ProcessedData/. If the directory does not exist the processData function will create it.
startFileIndex 1 greater than the highest index of the files in the data directory or 1 if no files have been written Only use this if you have already computed data and would like to compute more.
storeDataWithSymmetry false When this option is set to true, any values not in the upper right quadrant of the complex plane will not be stored in the output data files. That is, only values where Im(z) >= 0 and Re(z) >= 0 are stored. This option is used by generateRandomSample and generateAllMatrices.
symmetryIm false If true, symmetry across the imaginary axis will be used to effectively double the number of points.
symmetryRe false If true, symmetry across the real axis will be used to effectively double the number of points.

How to determine a good value for matricesPerFile: Each file will use 32*matrixSize*matricesPerFile bits, make sure this value is less than the amount of RAM your computer has. Ideally this value is less than 1/numCores where numCores is the number of processors you are allowing the parallel computing toolbox in Matlab to use. By setting the numDataFiles option you can generate many files, each of which will contain data on matricesPerFile random matrices. With 16GB of RAM, the maximum value I use is matricesPerFile = 1e7.


A set of Matlab functions for visualizing Bohemian eigenvalues.







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