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Add norm argument verify API
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sanket1729 committed Feb 14, 2023
1 parent d914545 commit 46c7391
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/modules/bulletproofs/bulletproofs_pp_norm_product_impl.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -359,4 +359,190 @@ static int secp256k1_bulletproofs_pp_rangeproof_norm_product_prove(
*proof_len = proof_idx;
return 1;

typedef struct ec_mult_verify_cb_data1 {
const unsigned char *proof;
const secp256k1_ge *commit;
const secp256k1_scalar *challenges;
} ec_mult_verify_cb_data1;

static int ec_mult_verify_cb1(secp256k1_scalar *sc, secp256k1_ge *pt, size_t idx, void *cbdata) {
ec_mult_verify_cb_data1 *data = (ec_mult_verify_cb_data1*) cbdata;
if (idx == 0) {
*pt = *data->commit;
secp256k1_scalar_set_int(sc, 1);
return 1;
idx -= 1;
if (idx % 2 == 0) {
unsigned char pk_buf[33];
idx /= 2;
*sc = data->challenges[idx];
pk_buf[0] = 2 | (data->proof[65*idx] >> 1);
memcpy(&pk_buf[1], &data->proof[65*idx + 1], 32);
if (!secp256k1_eckey_pubkey_parse(pt, pk_buf, sizeof(pk_buf))) {
return 0;
} else {
unsigned char pk_buf[33];
secp256k1_scalar neg_one;
idx /= 2;
secp256k1_scalar_set_int(&neg_one, 1);
secp256k1_scalar_negate(&neg_one, &neg_one);
*sc = data->challenges[idx];
secp256k1_scalar_sqr(sc, sc);
secp256k1_scalar_add(sc, sc, &neg_one);
pk_buf[0] = 2 | data->proof[65*idx];
memcpy(&pk_buf[1], &data->proof[65*idx + 33], 32);
if (!secp256k1_eckey_pubkey_parse(pt, pk_buf, sizeof(pk_buf))) {
return 0;
return 1;

typedef struct ec_mult_verify_cb_data2 {
const secp256k1_scalar *s_g;
const secp256k1_scalar *s_h;
const secp256k1_ge *g_vec;
size_t g_vec_len;
} ec_mult_verify_cb_data2;

static int ec_mult_verify_cb2(secp256k1_scalar *sc, secp256k1_ge *pt, size_t idx, void *cbdata) {
ec_mult_verify_cb_data2 *data = (ec_mult_verify_cb_data2*) cbdata;
if (idx < data->g_vec_len) {
*sc = data->s_g[idx];
} else {
*sc = data->s_h[idx - data->g_vec_len];
*pt = data->g_vec[idx];
return 1;

/* Verify the proof. This function modifies the generators, c_vec and the challenge r. The
caller should make sure to back them up if they need to be reused.
static int secp256k1_bulletproofs_pp_rangeproof_norm_product_verify(
const secp256k1_context* ctx,
secp256k1_scratch_space* scratch,
const unsigned char* proof,
size_t proof_len,
secp256k1_sha256* transcript,
const secp256k1_scalar* r,
const secp256k1_bulletproofs_generators* g_vec,
size_t g_len,
const secp256k1_scalar* c_vec,
size_t c_vec_len,
const secp256k1_ge* commit
) {
secp256k1_scalar r_f, q_f, v, n, l, r_inv, h_c;
secp256k1_scalar *es, *s_g, *s_h, *r_inv_pows;
secp256k1_gej res1, res2;
size_t i = 0, scratch_checkpoint;
int overflow;
size_t log_g_len = secp256k1_bulletproofs_pp_log2(g_len), log_h_len = secp256k1_bulletproofs_pp_log2(c_vec_len);
size_t n_rounds = log_g_len > log_h_len ? log_g_len : log_h_len;
size_t h_len = c_vec_len;

if (g_vec->n != (h_len + g_len) || (proof_len != 65 * n_rounds + 64)) {
return 0;

if (!secp256k1_is_power_of_two(g_len) || !secp256k1_is_power_of_two(h_len)) {
return 0;

secp256k1_scalar_set_b32(&n, &proof[n_rounds*65], &overflow); /* n */
if (overflow) return 0;
secp256k1_scalar_set_b32(&l, &proof[n_rounds*65 + 32], &overflow); /* l */
if (overflow) return 0;
if (secp256k1_scalar_is_zero(r)) return 0;

/* Collect the challenges in a new vector */
scratch_checkpoint = secp256k1_scratch_checkpoint(&ctx->error_callback, scratch);
es = (secp256k1_scalar*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, n_rounds * sizeof(secp256k1_scalar));
s_g = (secp256k1_scalar*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, g_len * sizeof(secp256k1_scalar));
s_h = (secp256k1_scalar*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, h_len * sizeof(secp256k1_scalar));
r_inv_pows = (secp256k1_scalar*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, log_g_len * sizeof(secp256k1_scalar));
if (es == NULL || s_g == NULL || s_h == NULL || r_inv_pows == NULL) {
secp256k1_scratch_apply_checkpoint(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, scratch_checkpoint);
return 0;

/* Compute powers of r_inv. Later used in g_factor computations*/
secp256k1_scalar_inverse_var(&r_inv, r);
secp256k1_bulletproofs_powers_of_r(r_inv_pows, &r_inv, log_g_len);

/* Compute r_f = r^(2^log_g_len) */
r_f = *r;
for (i = 0; i < log_g_len; i++) {
secp256k1_scalar_sqr(&r_f, &r_f);

for (i = 0; i < n_rounds; i++) {
secp256k1_scalar e;
secp256k1_sha256_write(transcript, &proof[i * 65], 65);
secp256k1_bulletproofs_challenge_scalar(&e, transcript, 0);
es[i] = e;
/* s_g[0] = n * \prod_{j=0}^{log_g_len - 1} r^(2^j)
* = n * r^(2^log_g_len - 1)
* = n * r_f * r_inv */
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&s_g[0], &n, &r_f);
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&s_g[0], &s_g[0], &r_inv);
for (i = 1; i < g_len; i++) {
size_t log_i = secp256k1_bulletproofs_pp_log2(i);
size_t nearest_pow_of_two = (size_t)1 << log_i;
/* This combines the two multiplications of challenges and r_invs in a
* single loop.
* s_g[i] = s_g[i - nearest_pow_of_two]
* * e[log_i] * r_inv^(2^log_i) */
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&s_g[i], &s_g[i - nearest_pow_of_two], &es[log_i]);
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&s_g[i], &s_g[i], &r_inv_pows[log_i]);
s_h[0] = l;
secp256k1_scalar_set_int(&h_c, 0);
for (i = 1; i < h_len; i++) {
size_t log_i = secp256k1_bulletproofs_pp_log2(i);
size_t nearest_pow_of_two = (size_t)1 << log_i;
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&s_h[i], &s_h[i - nearest_pow_of_two], &es[log_i]);
secp256k1_scalar_inner_product(&h_c, c_vec, 0 /* a_offset */ , s_h, 0 /* b_offset */, 1 /* step */, h_len);
/* Compute v = n*n*q_f + l*h_c where q_f = r_f^2 */
secp256k1_scalar_sqr(&q_f, &r_f);
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&v, &n, &n);
secp256k1_scalar_mul(&v, &v, &q_f);
secp256k1_scalar_add(&v, &v, &h_c);

ec_mult_verify_cb_data1 data;
data.proof = proof;
data.commit = commit;
data.challenges = es;

if (!secp256k1_ecmult_multi_var(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, &res1, NULL, ec_mult_verify_cb1, &data, 2*n_rounds + 1)) {
secp256k1_scratch_apply_checkpoint(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, scratch_checkpoint);
return 0;
ec_mult_verify_cb_data2 data;
data.g_vec = g_vec->gens;
data.g_vec_len = g_len;
data.s_g = s_g;
data.s_h = s_h;

if (!secp256k1_ecmult_multi_var(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, &res2, &v, ec_mult_verify_cb2, &data, g_len + h_len)) {
secp256k1_scratch_apply_checkpoint(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, scratch_checkpoint);
return 0;

secp256k1_scratch_apply_checkpoint(&ctx->error_callback, scratch, scratch_checkpoint);

/* res1 and res2 should be equal. Could not find a simpler way to compare them */
secp256k1_gej_neg(&res1, &res1);
secp256k1_gej_add_var(&res1, &res1, &res2, NULL);
return secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(&res1);

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