sudo apt install jq curl -y
chmod +x
chmod +x
Before running any of these sample scripts, create a GitHub PAT and export it before running the script
Scenario: Run on a machine or VM (not container) which automates:
- Resolving latest released runner
- Download and extract latest
- Acquire a registration token
- Configure the runner
- Run as a systemd (linux) or Launchd (osx) service
Run as a one-liner. NOTE: replace with yourorg/yourrepo (repo level) or just yourorg (org level)
curl -s | bash -s yourorg/yourrepo
You can call the script with additional arguments:
# Usage:
# export RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT>
# ./create-latest-svc -s scope -g [ghe_domain] -n [name] -u [user] -l [labels]
# -s required scope: repo (:owner/:repo) or org (:organization)
# -g optional ghe_hostname: the fully qualified domain name of your GitHub Enterprise Server deployment
# -n optional name of the runner, defaults to hostname
# -u optional user svc will run as, defaults to current
# -l optional list of labels (split by comma) applied on the runner"
Use --
to pass any number of optional named parameters:
curl -s | bash -s -- -s myorg/myrepo -n myname -l label1,label2
The runner is installed as a service using systemd
and systemctl
. Docker does not support systemd
for service configuration on a container.
Scenario: Run on a machine or VM (not container) which automates:
- Stops and uninstalls the systemd (linux) or Launchd (osx) service
- Acquires a removal token
- Removes the runner
Repo level one liner. NOTE: replace with yourorg/yourrepo (repo level) or just yourorg (org level)
curl -s | bash -s yourorg/yourrepo
Scenario: Deletes a registered runner that is offline:
- Ensures the runner is offline
- Resolves id from name
- Deletes the runner
Repo level one-liner. NOTE: replace with yourorg/yourrepo (repo level) or just yourorg (org level) and replace runnername
curl -s | bash -s yourorg/yourrepo runnername