A module to aid bringing configurable routes to react-router v4
Lead Maintainer - William Woodruff
See also the API Reference
npm install strange-router
const routes = [
path: 'first', // matches '/first'
component: MyComponent,
childRoutes: [
path: 'second', // matches '/first/second'
childRoutes: [
{ path: 'third', component: ThirdComponent }, // matches '/first/second/third'
{ redirect: { to: '/404' } } // catch all, redirects to absolute path '/404'
{ redirect: { from: 'oldPath', to: 'newPath' } } // '/first/oldPath' will redirect to '/first/newPath'
path: 'newPath',
component: NewStuff,
onWillMount: ({ route, match, location, history }) => {
onDidMount: ({ route, match, location, history }) => {
onWillUnmount: ({ route, match, location, history }) => {
componentDidCatch: ({ err, info, route, match, location, history }) => {
// and / or
history.replace('/onErr', { err, info });
{ redirect: { to: '/404' } } // catch all, redirects to absolute path '/404'
path: '404',
component: FourOFour
path: 'onErr',
component: UhOhError
const React = require('react');
const { Provider } = require('react-redux');
const { ConnectedRouter } = require('react-router-redux');
const StrangeRouter = require('strange-router');
class App extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
history: T.object.isRequired,
routes: T.array.isRequired,
store: T.object.isRequired
render() {
const { history, routes, store } = this.props;
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<StrangeRouter.Routes routes={routes} />