gulp-xml-editor-re is a gulp plugin to edit XML document based on libxmljs.
This is a forked package from gulp-xml-editor with libxmljs upgraded to the latest version, since that package seems like deprecated.
var xeditor = require("gulp-xml-editor-re");
edit XML document by using user specific object
{path: '//name', text: 'new names'},
{path: '//version', attr: {'major': '2'}}
edit XML document by using user specific object using a namespace
{path: '//xmlns:name', text: 'new names'},
{path: '//xmlns:version', attr: {'major': '2'}}
], ''))
edit XML document by using user specific function
.pipe(xeditor(function(xml, xmljs) {
// 'xml' is libxmljs Document object.
// 'xmljs' is libxmljs object. you can call any libxmljs function.
var child = new xmljs.Element(xml, 'note');
child.text('some text');
// must return libxmljs Document object.
return xml;
Please see libxmljs wiki page to get more information about libxmljs API.
Type: Array of object
The object must be one of following.
// to modify(or add) the text of the element
{path: 'xpath to the element', text: 'new text value'}
// to modify(or add) a attribute of the element
{path: 'xpath to the element', attr: {'attrName': 'attrValue'}}
// to modify(or add) some attributes of the element
{path: 'xpath to the element', attrs: [
{'attrName1': 'attrValue1'},
{'attrName2': 'attrValue2'}
You can't specify xpath to attribute nor text node.
Type: function
The editorFunction
must have the following signature: function (xml, [xmljs]) {}
, and must return libxmljs Document object. The xml
argument is libxmljs Document object, and the xmljs
argument is libxmljs object.