To know more about the Stacking workflow.
Allow to simply links branches together to create a stack of branches.
This tool use merges instead of rebases like other tools to be less "destructive" and maybe easier to understand what is going on.
With the command sync
allow to update all branches to merge it one into the other.
The sync
command will do:
- Checkout the branch.
- Pull the latest changes.
- Merge the previous branch into the current one.
- Optionally push the changes (with the
Only MacOS is supported for now via Homebrew.
brew tap Bhacaz/tap
brew install gostacking
brew link gostacking
# Update
brew update && brew upgrade gostacking
$ gostacking [command]
add Add a branch to the current stack
checkout Checkout a branch from a stack
delete Delete a gostacking by is name
help Help about any command
list List all stacks
new Create a new gostacking
publish Publish the current branch of the current stack and show a create pull request link
remove Remove a branch from the current stack
status Get current stack
switch Change the current stack
sync Merge all branches into the others
tree Show the stack tree without merged commits, starting from the default branch.
git checkout -b feature/1
gostacking new my-stack
gostacking list
# Current stack: my-stack
# 1. my-stack
gostacking add
# Branch feature/1 added to stack my-stack
gostacking status
# my-stack
# 1. feature/1
git checkout -b feature/2
gostacking add feature/2
# Branch feature/2 added to stack my-stack
gostacking status
# my-stack
# 1. feature/1
# 2. feature/2
gostacking checkout 1
touch file1.txt
git add file1.txt && git commit -m "Add file1.txt"
gostacking status
# my-stack
# 1. feature/1
# 2. feature/2 *
gostacking sync
# Syncing my-stack
# Fetching ...
# Branch: feature/1
# Checkout ...
# Pull ...
# Branch: feature/2
# Checkout ...
# Pull ...
# Merging feature/1
gostacking status --log
# my-stack
# 1. feature/1
# Add file1.txt - 21e656719d - 3 minute ago
# 2. feature/2
# Merge feature/1 into feature/2 (gostacking) - f8178d7384 - 1 minute ago
- Update the version in file
zsh scripts/release.zsh
~/go/bin/cobra-cli add new
go mod tidy
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o dist
# Test the release
goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
- Add completion suggestion list of branches (with a max) to
command. - Highlight the current branch in the