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Nuget CodegenUP Nuget CodegenUP.Engine Nuget CodegenUP.DocumentRefLoader

A global tool to execute handlebars templates in order to generate code (think about swagger/openapi/graphql ...)


Installation is very easy. Just run this command and the tool will be installed.

dotnet tool install --global CodegenUP


codegenup -h

Usage:  [options]

  -?|-h|--help          Show help information
  -l|--loader           Enter a schema loader type between those values [RawJson | Swagger | OpenApi | GraphQl | RawXml]
  -d|--duplicates       Enter a template duplication handling strategy between those values [Throw | KeepLast | KeepFirst]
  -s|--source           Enter a path (relative or absolute) to an source document.
  -a|--auth             Enter an authorization token to access source documents
  -o|--output           Enter the path (relative or absolute) to the output path (content will be overritten)
  -t|--template         Enter a path (relative or absolute / file or folder) to a template.
  -i|--intermediate     Enter a path (relative or absolute) to a file for intermediate 'all refs merged' output of the json document
  -c|--customhelpers    Enter a path (relative or absolute) to a folder with a custom helpers project (.csproj)
  --artifacts           Enter a path (relative or absolute) where the custom helpers builds process can output artifacts (default ./temp)
  -g|--globalparameter  Enter a global parameter value on the form key=value, it'll be available throught the global_parameterhelper

codegenup -s <Open_Api_File_Uri1> -o <Output_Folder> -t <Template_Folder1> [-s <Open_Api_File_Uri2>] [-t Template_Folder2] [-t Template_Folder3] [...]

example :

codegenup -s "" -o "output/folder" -t "my_template_folder"

Handlebars helper

You can find additional custom helper in this folder : Use cases are documented (and tested) thought HandlebarsHelperSpecification attributes


Input document Handlebars template Result
[{t: 'c'}, {t: 'a'}, {t: 'b'}] {{#each .}}{{t}}{{/each}} cab
[{t: 'c'}, {t: 'a'}, {t: 'b'}] {{#each_with_sort . 't'}}{{#each .}}{{t}}{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort}} abc
[] {{#each_with_sort . .}}{{/each_with_sort}} ``
{ a : {}, b : {} } {{#each_with_sort .}}{{#each .}}{{@key}}{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort}} ab
{ b : {}, a : {} } {{#each_with_sort .}}{{#each .}}{{@key}}{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort}} ab
\r\n{\r\n "swagger": "2.0",\r\n "info": {\r\n "title": "Marketplace Gateway API - Feeds",\r\n ... {{#each_with_sort parameters}}{{#each .}}{{@key}},{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort}} accountIdParameter,credentialParameter,feedTypeParameter,marketplaceBusinessCodeParameter,publicationIdParameter,


Input document Handlebars template Result
[{t: 'c'}, {t: 'a'}, {t: 'b'}] {{#each .}}{{t}}{{/each}} cab
[{t: 'c'}, {t: 'a'}, {t: 'b'}] {{#each_with_sort_inv . 't'}}{{#each .}}{{t}}{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort_inv}} cba
[] {{#each_with_sort_inv . .}}{{/each_with_sort_inv}} ``
{ a : {}, b : {} } {{#each_with_sort_inv .}}{{#each .}}{{@key}}{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort_inv}} ba
{ b : {}, a : {} } {{#each_with_sort_inv .}}{{#each .}}{{@key}}{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort_inv}} ba
\r\n{\r\n "swagger": "2.0",\r\n "info": {\r\n "title": "Marketplace Gateway API - Feeds",\r\n ... {{#each_with_sort_inv parameters}}{{#each .}}{{@key}},{{/each}}{{/each_with_sort_inv}} publicationIdParameter,marketplaceBusinessCodeParameter,feedTypeParameter,credentialParameter,accountIdParameter,


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{set 'key', 'value'}}{{get 'key'}} value
{ key: 'value' } {{set 'k', . }}{{#with_get 'k'}}{{key}}{{/with_get}} value
{ key: 'value' } {{#with_set 'key', .key }}{{get 'key'}}{{/with_set}}{{get 'key'}} value
{} {{set 'key', '42' }}{{get 'key'}}{{clear 'key'}}{{get 'key'}} 42


Input document Handlebars template Result
\r\n {\r\n 'type' : 'object',\r\n 'required' : [ 'errorMeSSage', 'test' ],\r\n ... {{#if_array_contains required 'errorMessage'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/if_array_contains}} OK
\r\n {\r\n 'type' : 'object',\r\n 'required' : [ 'errorMeSSage', 'test' ],\r\n ... {{#if_array_contains required 'test'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/if_array_contains}} OK
\r\n {\r\n 'type' : 'object',\r\n 'required' : [ 'errorMeSSage', 'test' ],\r\n ... {{#if_array_contains required 'notFound'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/if_array_contains}} NOK
\r\n {\r\n 'type' : 'object',\r\n 'required' : [ 'errorMeSSage', 'test' ],\r\n ... {{#each properties}}{{#if_array_contains ../required @key}}{{type}}{{else}}{{/if_array_contains}}{{/each}} string


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#if_empty ''}}OK{{else}}{{/if_empty}} OK
{} {{#if_empty 'test'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/if_empty}} NOK


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#if_equals 'test' 'teSt'}}OK{{else}}{{/if_equals}} OK
{ a: '42', b: 42 } {{#if_equals a ./b }}OK{{else}}{{/if_equals}} OK
{} {{#if_equals 'test' 'NO'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/if_equals}} NOK


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#if_not_empty ''}}{{else}}OK{{/if_not_empty}} OK
{} {{#if_not_empty 'test'}}NOK{{else}}OK{{/if_not_empty}} NOK


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#if_not_equals 'test' 'teSt'}}{{else}}NOK{{/if_not_equals}} NOK
{ a: '42', b: 42 } {{#if_not_equals a ./b }}{{else}}NOK{{/if_not_equals}} NOK
{} {{#if_not_equals 'test' 'NO'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/if_not_equals}} OK


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#one_line 5}}test{{/one_line}} test


Input document Handlebars template Result
\r\n{\r\n "swagger": "2.0",\r\n "info": {\r\n "title": "Marketplace Gateway API - Feeds",\r\n ... {{#each paths}}{{#each this}}{{#each parameters}}{{#ref_resolve}}{{ name }},{{/ref_resolve}}{{/each}}{{/each}}{{/each}} marketplaceBusinessCode,marketplaceBusinessCode,marketplaceBusinessCode,accountId,publicationId,x-BeezUP-Credential,request,marketplaceBusinessCode,accountId,publicationId,x-BeezUP-Credential,request,marketplaceBusinessCode,accountId,publicationId,x-BeezUP-Credential,request,marketplaceBusinessCode,accountId,publicationId,x-BeezUP-Credential,marketplaceBusinessCode,accountId,publicationId,x-BeezUP-Credential,


Input document Handlebars template Result
{ '$ref' : '/myDataType/parameters/'} {{split_get_first ./$ref '/' }} myDataType


Input document Handlebars template Result
{ '$ref' : '#/parameters/myDataType'} {{split_get_last ./$ref '/' }} myDataType


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#start_with 'test' 'test-one'}}OK{{else}}{{/start_with}} OK
{} {{#start_with 'test' 'one-test'}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/start_with}} NOK
{one: 'test-one', two: 'one-test'} {{#start_with 'test' one}}OK{{else}}{{/start_with}} OK
{one: 'test-one', two: 'one-test'} {{#start_with 'test' two}}OK{{else}}NOK{{/start_with}} NOK


Input document Handlebars template Result
{ test: 42 } {{trim test}} 42
{ test: ' 42 ' } {{trim test}} 42
{ test: '- aa -' } {{trim test '-'}} aa
{ test: 'AA' } {{trim test 'A'}} ``
{ test: ' test ' } {{trim test ' t'}} es


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#trim_block ' '}} 1,2,3,4 {{/trim_block}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block ','}}1,2,3,4{{/trim_block}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block ','}}1,2,3,4,{{/trim_block}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block ','}},1,2,3,4,{{/trim_block}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block ','}},,1,2,3,4,,{{/trim_block}} 1,2,3,4
{ a: '42', b: 42, c: 42 } {{#trim_block ','}}{{#each this}}{{@key}},{{/each}}{{/trim_block}} a,b,c


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#trim_block_end}} 1,2,3,4 {{/trim_block_end}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block_end ','}}1,2,3,4{{/trim_block_end}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block_end ','}}1,2,3,4,{{/trim_block_end}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block_end ','}},1,2,3,4,{{/trim_block_end}} ,1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block_end ','}},,1,2,3,4,,{{/trim_block_end}} ,,1,2,3,4
{ a: '42', b: 42, c: 42 } {{#trim_block_end ','}}{{#each this}}{{@key}},{{/each}}{{/trim_block_end}} a,b,c


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#trim_block_start}} 1,2,3,4 {{/trim_block_start}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block_start ','}}1,2,3,4{{/trim_block_start}} 1,2,3,4
{} {{#trim_block_start ','}}1,2,3,4,{{/trim_block_start}} 1,2,3,4,
{} {{#trim_block_start ','}},1,2,3,4,{{/trim_block_start}} 1,2,3,4,
{} {{#trim_block_start ','}},,1,2,3,4,,{{/trim_block_start}} 1,2,3,4,,
{ a: '42', b: 42, c: 42 } {{#trim_block_start ','}}{{#each this}}{{@key}},{{/each}}{{/trim_block_start}} a,b,c,


Input document Handlebars template Result
{ test: 42 } {{trim_end test}} 42
{ test: '42 ' } {{trim_end test}} 42
{ test: 'aa -' } {{trim_end test '-'}} aa
{ test: 'AA' } {{trim_end test 'A'}} ``
{ test: ' test ' } {{trim_end test ' t'}} tes


Input document Handlebars template Result
{ test: 42 } {{trim_start test}} 42
{ test: ' 42' } {{trim_start test}} 42
{ test: '- aa' } {{trim_start test '-'}} aa
{ test: 'AA' } {{trim_start test 'A'}} ``
{ test: ' test ' } {{trim_start test ' t'}} est


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{uppercase_first_letter .}} {}
{ test: 42 } {{uppercase_first_letter test}} 42
{ test: '42' } {{uppercase_first_letter test}} 42
{ test: 'aa' } {{uppercase_first_letter test}} Aa
{ test: 'AA' } {{uppercase_first_letter test}} AA
{ test: 'AA' } test{{uppercase_first_letter test}} testAA


Input document Handlebars template Result
{} {{#with_matching 'test' '1' '1', '2', '2'}}{{else}}NOT FOUND{{/with_matching}} NOT FOUND
{} {{#with_matching 'value1' 'value1' 'context1', '2', '2'}}{{.}}{{else}}NOT FOUND{{/with_matching}} context1
{ value: '42' } {{#with_matching value '42' . }}{{value}}{{else}}NOT FOUND{{/with_matching}} 42

Custom Handlebars Helpers

To create custom local dotnet handlebars helpers, copy the CustomHelpers project in any folder you'd like.

Then use the -c command line option to enable the dynamic compiling & loading of the helpers you created. The project is, in itself, a unit test project with what you need to simply create unit test case by attributes placed on your custom helpers.

Add global parameters from the command line

Through a special helper named global_parameter, it's possible to pass global available parameters to your template. From the command line add a as many -g key=value global values and use them in your templates.

{{global_parameter key}}

will output



dotnet tool update -g CodegenUP


dotnet tool uninstall -g CodegenUP