This system is a demo project for principles demonstration of cyber-immune applications development.
All documentation is in /docs
(sorry, but in Russian only).
- Environment
- Please use Linux.
- Install
Java 16
(16 only, because containers have v16 and may fail with others) - Install
. Tested with v7.5.1 - Install
- If you want, install
to view logs with alreadyprepared screens
git clone
cd certs && ../
- generate certificates (demo certs included in/certs
)gradle build
- builds all servicesgradle docker
- builds docker images./
- starts all containers in docker-compose./
- reloads stateful containers in docker-compose# ./
- wrapper for docker-compose with configs set# test.http
- file with main api requests needed
Gradle multi-project builds are used.
Packaging to docker is not classic. Do not try to use docker build
All services are build with single Dockerfile located in /docker.
Firstly, build java code with gradle.
Then use gradle docker
, which copies global dockerfile, inserts service-specific data
and puts application package near to dockerfile copy and then automatically builds image.
All images get names in form delivery_${gradleProjectName}
gradle docker
tmuxinator start
There are e2e tests provided in ./e2e
project on Junit5.
- Running these tests requires user to manually start all containers with
. - Each before rerunning tests, it is recommended to restart all with
./ down && ./
- if you know how services work, you can use
to reload only stateful containers if others are unaffected by your previous actions
- if you know how services work, you can use
- Only after having containers started execute tests with
gradle test --info
- Remember that tests requires kafka to be active, so initial delay of up to 1 minute is normal
- Tests cannot be started with any Kafka ACLs configured, because they need to subscribe to any topic and publish to any topic bypassing the monitor
- Tests should be run only with demo certificates.
- Sometimes messages could be lost. If testing fails on first steps, try restarting
- Environment
- robot and server
- WEB panel for monitoring kafka messages*_monitor
- Monitor service*_comms
- Communication service (Kafka to HTTP bridge)
- Robot
- main unit / business logicrobot_hmi
- user interaction (PIN code enter)robot_motion
- motor controllerrobot_odom
- odometer positioning driverrobot_location
- location aggregatorrobot_sensors
- environmental sensors unit - human detectionrobot_locker
- locker control
- Server
- fleet management system / business logicserver_auth
- PIN generation and deliveryserver_store
- service for submitting tasks to FMS
- robot and server
- robot_net
- internal network for all robot services
- server_net
- internal network for all server services
- web_net
- network connecting FMS and Web store
- comms_net
- this network is demo only
- in real should be replaced with VPN connection
- external network connection robot and server communication service
- robot-com - for robot communication service
- server-com - for server communication service
- server-fms - for FMS
- server
- host:
- 9010 - comms unit
- 9020 - kafka ui
- 9030 - kafka
- 9040 - FMS HTTP API
- 9044 - WEB store HTTP API
- internal:
- zookeeper:2181
- broker:29000
- host:
- robot
- host:
- 9011 - comms unit
- 9021 - kafka ui
- 9031 - kafka
- 9041 - HMI HTTP API
- internal:
- zookeeper:2181
- broker:29000
- host: