LT;DR 🗞️ ⚡Check it out on GitHub pages ⚡ 🗞️
AngularJS app which loads nytimes articles from the NYT API via http requests and displays them as a collection. Articles are loaded in groups of 10 and stored in a list. Built with Pug, Sass and Gulp.
Below you will find instructions for setting the project up on your computer.
You will need the following tools to run the project:
Navigate to a folder on your machine where you are happy to place the project folder.
Open up your command-line interface and type:
git clone
Now change directories into the project directory:
Install the project dependencies with Npm:
npm install
Run the Gulp default task:
If the project hasn't automatically opened in your browser, click here.
- Sublime Text 3
- Npm Gulp and related packages - listed in package.json
- Npm/Node.js and Git - As above
- Jonathan Wood - Github
See the license file for details