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Add scripts to create HDF5 datasets from COCO captions
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jeffdonahue committed Feb 17, 2015
1 parent 79a8690 commit 33f5d74
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Showing 3 changed files with 400 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/coco_caption/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions examples/coco_caption/
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@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

from hashlib import sha1
import os
import random
import re
import sys


COCO_PATH = './data/coco/tools'
COCO_TOOL_PATH = '%s/pycocotools' % COCO_PATH

MAX_HASH = 100000

from coco import COCO

from hdf5_sequence_generator import SequenceGenerator, HDF5SequenceWriter

# UNK_IDENTIFIER is the word used to identify unknown words

SENTENCE_SPLIT_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\W+)')
def split_sentence(sentence):
# break sentence into a list of words and punctuation
sentence = [s.lower() for s in SENTENCE_SPLIT_REGEX.split(sentence.strip()) if len(s.strip()) > 0]
# remove the '.' from the end of the sentence
if sentence[-1] != '.':
# print "Warning: sentence doesn't end with '.'; ends with: %s" % sentence[-1]
return sentence
return sentence[:-1]


class CocoSequenceGenerator(SequenceGenerator):
def __init__(self, coco, batch_num_streams, vocab=None,
max_words=MAX_WORDS, align=True, shuffle=True, gt_captions=True,
pad=True, truncate=True, split_ids=None):
self.max_words = max_words
num_empty_lines = 0
self.images = []
num_total = 0
num_missing = 0
num_captions = 0
known_images = {}
image_root = '%s/%s' % (COCO_PATH, coco.image_folder)
if split_ids is None:
split_ids = coco.images.keys()
for image_id in split_ids:
image_info = coco.images[image_id]
image_path = '%s/%s/%s' % \
(image_root, image_info['file_path'], image_info['file_name'])
if os.path.isfile(image_path):
assert image_id not in known_images # no duplicates allowed
known_images[image_id] = {}
known_images[image_id]['path'] = image_path
if gt_captions:
known_images[image_id]['sentences'] = [split_sentence(anno['sentence'])
for anno in coco.image_to_annotations[image_id]]
num_captions += len(known_images[image_id]['sentences'])
known_images[image_id]['sentences'] = []
num_missing += 1
print 'Warning (#%d): image not found: %s' % (num_missing, image_path)
num_total += 1
print '%d/%d images missing' % (num_missing, num_total)
if vocab is None:
self.vocabulary_inverted = vocab
self.vocabulary = {}
for index, word in enumerate(self.vocabulary_inverted):
self.vocabulary[word] = index
self.image_sentence_pairs = []
num_no_sentences = 0
for image_filename, metadata in known_images.iteritems():
if not metadata['sentences']:
num_no_sentences += 1
print 'Warning (#%d): image with no sentences: %s' % (num_no_sentences, image_filename)
for sentence in metadata['sentences']:
self.image_sentence_pairs.append((metadata['path'], sentence))
self.index = 0
self.num_resets = 0
self.num_truncates = 0
self.num_pads = 0
self.num_outs = 0
self.image_list = []
self.batch_num_streams = batch_num_streams
# make the number of image/sentence pairs a multiple of the buffer size
# so each timestep of each batch is useful and we can align the images
if align:
num_pairs = len(self.image_sentence_pairs)
remainder = num_pairs % batch_num_streams
if remainder > 0:
num_needed = batch_num_streams - remainder
for i in range(num_needed):
choice = random.randint(0, num_pairs - 1)
assert len(self.image_sentence_pairs) % batch_num_streams == 0
if shuffle:
self.pad = pad
self.truncate = truncate
self.negative_one_padded_streams = frozenset(('input_sentence', 'target_sentence'))

def streams_exhausted(self):
return self.num_resets > 0

def init_vocabulary(self, image_annotations, min_count=5):
words_to_count = {}
for image_id, annotations in image_annotations.iteritems():
for annotation in annotations['sentences']:
for word in annotation:
word = word.strip()
if word not in words_to_count:
words_to_count[word] = 0
words_to_count[word] += 1
# Sort words by count, then alphabetically
words_by_count = sorted(words_to_count.keys(), key=lambda w: (-words_to_count[w], w))
print 'Initialized vocabulary with %d words; top 10 words:' % len(words_by_count)
for word in words_by_count[:10]:
print '\t%s (%d)' % (word, words_to_count[word])
# Add words to vocabulary
self.vocabulary = {UNK_IDENTIFIER: 0}
self.vocabulary_inverted = [UNK_IDENTIFIER]
for index, word in enumerate(words_by_count):
word = word.strip()
if words_to_count[word] < min_count:
self.vocabulary[word] = index + 1
print 'Final vocabulary (restricted to words with counts of %d+) has %d words' % \
(min_count, len(self.vocabulary))

def dump_vocabulary(self, vocab_filename):
print 'Dumping vocabulary to file: %s' % vocab_filename
with open(vocab_filename, 'wb') as vocab_file:
for word in self.vocabulary_inverted:
vocab_file.write('%s\n' % word)
print 'Done.'

def dump_image_file(self, image_filename, dummy_image_filename=None):
print 'Dumping image list to file: %s' % image_filename
with open(image_filename, 'wb') as image_file:
for image_path, _ in self.image_list:
image_file.write('%s\n' % image_path)
if dummy_image_filename is not None:
print 'Dumping image list with dummy labels to file: %s' % dummy_image_filename
with open(dummy_image_filename, 'wb') as image_file:
for path_and_hash in self.image_list:
image_file.write('%s %d\n' % path_and_hash)
print 'Done.'

def next_line(self):
num_lines = float(len(self.image_sentence_pairs))
self.index += 1
if self.index == 1 or self.index == num_lines or self.index % 10000 == 0:
print 'Processed %d/%d (%f%%) lines' % (self.index, num_lines,
100 * self.index / num_lines)
if self.index == num_lines:
self.index = 0
self.num_resets += 1

def line_to_stream(self, sentence):
stream = []
for word in sentence:
word = word.strip()
if word in self.vocabulary:
else: # unknown word; append UNK
# increment the stream -- 0 will be the EOS character
stream = [s + 1 for s in stream]
return stream

def get_pad_value(self, stream_name):
return -1 if stream_name in self.negative_one_padded_streams else 0

def get_streams(self):
image_filename, line = self.image_sentence_pairs[self.index]
stream = self.line_to_stream(line)
pad = self.max_words - (len(stream) + 1) if self.pad else 0
if pad > 0: self.num_pads += 1
self.num_outs += 1
out = {}
out['stage_indicators'] = [1] * (len(stream) + 1) + [0] * pad
out['cont_sentence'] = [0] + [1] * len(stream) + [0] * pad
out['input_sentence'] = [0] + stream + [-1] * pad
out['target_sentence'] = stream + [0] + [-1] * pad
truncated = False
if self.truncate:
for key, val in out.iteritems():
if len(val) > self.max_words:
out[key] = val[:self.max_words]
truncated = True
self.num_truncates += truncated
image_hash = self.image_hash(image_filename)
out['hashed_image_path'] = [image_hash] * len(out['input_sentence'])
self.image_list.append((image_filename, image_hash))
return out

def image_hash(self, filename):
image_hash = int(sha1(filename).hexdigest(), 16) % MAX_HASH
assert image_hash == float(image_hash)
return image_hash

COCO_ANNO_PATH = '%s/annotations/sentences_%%s2014.json' % COCO_PATH
COCO_IMAGE_PATTERN = '%s/images/%%s2014' % COCO_PATH
COCO_IMAGE_ID_PATTERN = 'COCO_%s2014_%%012d.jpg'

OUTPUT_DIR = './examples/coco_caption/h5_data/buffer_%d' % BUFFER_SIZE
SPLITS_PATTERN = './data/coco/coco2014_cocoid.%s.txt'
OUTPUT_DIR_PATTERN = '%s/%%s_batches' % OUTPUT_DIR

def preprocess_dataset(split_name, coco_split_name, batch_stream_length,
vocab=None, aligned=True):
with open(SPLITS_PATTERN % split_name, 'r') as split_file:
split_image_ids = [int(line) for line in split_file.readlines()]
output_dataset_name = split_name
if aligned:
output_dataset_name += '_aligned_%d' % MAX_WORDS
output_dataset_name += '_unaligned'
output_path = OUTPUT_DIR_PATTERN % output_dataset_name
coco = COCO(COCO_ANNO_PATH % coco_split_name)
sg = CocoSequenceGenerator(coco, BUFFER_SIZE, split_ids=split_image_ids,
vocab=vocab, align=aligned, pad=aligned, truncate=aligned)
sg.batch_stream_length = batch_stream_length
writer = HDF5SequenceWriter(sg, output_dir=output_path)
if vocab is None:
vocab_out_path = '%s/vocabulary.txt' % OUTPUT_DIR
image_out_path = '%s/image_list.txt' % output_path
image_dummy_labels_out_path = '%s/image_list.with_dummy_labels.txt' % output_path
sg.dump_image_file(image_out_path, image_dummy_labels_out_path)
num_outs = sg.num_outs
num_pads = sg.num_pads
num_truncates = sg.num_truncates
print 'Padded %d/%d sequences; truncated %d/%d sequences' % \
(num_pads, num_outs, num_truncates, num_outs)
return sg.vocabulary_inverted

def preprocess_coco():
vocab = None
('train', 'train', 100000, True),
('val', 'val', 100000, True),
('test', 'val', 100000, True),
# Write unaligned datasets as well:
('train', 'train', 100000, False),
('val', 'val', 100000, False),
('test', 'val', 100000, False),
for split_name, coco_split_name, batch_stream_length, aligned in DATASETS:
vocab = preprocess_dataset(split_name, coco_split_name, batch_stream_length,
vocab=vocab, aligned=aligned)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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