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Tim Whiteaker edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Solr-JavaScript-Search-Client wiki!

Querying Specific Fields

Instead of searching all fields, specific fields can be specified in the query, e.g.,*knb-lter-bnz*+AND+title:*permafrost*&fl=title,id

Working Around Special Characters

C:N ratio stands for carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and is a common ecological parameter. The colon is a reserved in Lucene, so for the query to work, you either have to escape the colon or use the eDixMax parser. You can escape special characters by enclosing the search term in quotes or inserting a backslash before the special character. This page lists the Lucene special characters.


For the LTER Core Area drop down to produce results, data publishers must include the appropriate keyword within the keywords section of the EML submitted with their dataset to the archive.

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