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A simple, fast, and anonymous file sharing server.

Usage (client-side)

There are currently a couple of clients for simple usage of the bobashare API, namely uploading files:

Otherwise, see the API docs.


This program is separated into three different crates. bobashare is the backend logic and platform API, and bobashare-web provides a webserver interface between the bobashare backend. And bobashare-admin is currently an abandoned alternative interface which uses a CLI to edit the storage instead.

Setup (server-side)

This section is for running your own bobashare server. If you just want to upload files to an existing instance, see the Usage (client-side) section.

I designed bobashare to be as simple and clean to run as possible. You can simply run the corresponding bobashare-web executable for your platform, available under Releases.

Make sure not to accidentally download a bobashare-admin executable as it is just a CLI for interacting with the backend database. It won't run the server.

bobashare will create the configured storage directory if it doesn't exist and listen on the configured address/port. No files on the system are touched outside of the storage directory.

However, do note that I don't have premade systemd unit service files yet (although writing one will be trivial with how simple it is to run bobashare-web) so running it as a service may currently be easiest using Docker (and compose).


The image is You can copy an example compose.yaml from compose.example.yaml, just delete the build: line and uncomment the image: line.


bobashare-web accepts configuration via TOML file and/or environment variables (with env vars taking priority). The environment variables are the regular names, but in all caps and with the prefix APP_ (so base_url would become APP_BASE_URL).

If using a config file, you must specify the path of it using the --config/-c flag.

List of config options:

  • listen_addr - default - the address and port to listen on
  • backend_path - default storage/ (relative to current directory) - the directory to use for storing all bobashare data (uploads and metadata)
  • cleanup_interval - default 1h - how often to run a cleanup task, where e loop through every upload in the store to delete expired ones
  • base_url - default http://localhost:3000/ - the url that the bobashare instance is being hosted on, used for generating upload URLs and CSS/JS paths
  • id_length - default 8 - how many characters should each upload id be
  • default_expiry - default 24h - the default expiry time for new uploads, used as the default option in the UI, and if not explicitly chosen by API request
  • max_expiry - default 30d - the maximum expiry of an upload, can be set to never to allow non-expiring uploads
  • max_file_size - default 1073741824 (1 GiB) - maximum size of an upload
  • extra_footer_text - default empty - extra text to add to the footer, see the "Limits" blurb at the bottom on
  • about_page - default empty - path to a markdown file to render on the about page at /about/

Also see the --help page for different verbosity settings.

Rustdoc (internal code docs)



GET info/:id

Get information (metadata) about an upload

Request: GET /api/v1/info/:id


  • :id - the ID of the upload to query

Successful response: 200 OK, with JSON body in InfoResponse format


$ curl | python -m json.tool
    "id": "dXk1ODH5",
    "url": "",
    "direct_url": "",
    "filename": "20230526_170432.jpg",
    "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
    "creation_date": "2023-10-14T03:26:06.961405419Z",
    "expiry_date": "2023-10-15T03:26:06.961405419Z"

PUT upload/:filename

Create an upload

Request: PUT /api/v1/upload/:filename


  • :filename - the name of the file being uploaded (required)

Request headers:

  • Content-Type (required) - the mime type (file format) of the file. Note that it will be ignored if the file is found to be UTF-8 plaintext.
  • Bobashare-Expiry (optional) - duration until the upload should expire
    • specify 0 for no expiry
    • examples (see duration_str for more information):
      • 1d -- 1 day
      • 1h -- 1 hour
      • 1m -- 1 minute
      • 1s -- 1 second
  • Bobashare-Delete-Key (optional) - custom key to use for deleting the file later; if not provided, one will be randomly generated

Request body: The contents of the file

Successful response:

  • 201 Created
  • Location header with the URL of the upload
  • JSON body UploadResponse


Please note that in this example, the trailing slash on the URL, combined with using the -T flag means that curl automatically adds the filename to the end of the URL. To the server, it appears as a PUT /api/v1/upload/joel-holland-TRhGEGdw-YY-unsplash.jpg.

$ file --mime-type joel-holland-TRhGEGdw-YY-unsplash.jpg
joel-holland-TRhGEGdw-YY-unsplash.jpg: image/jpeg
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' -T joel-holland-TRhGEGdw-YY-unsplash.jpg | python -m json.tool
    "id": "ireyFMwu",
    "url": "",
    "direct_url": "",
    "filename": "joel-holland-TRhGEGdw-YY-unsplash.jpg",
    "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
    "expiry_date": "2023-10-15T05:11:37.486763335Z",
    "delete_key": "joNtQd7TVKdBvlOmocueM35qU3JOqFuc"

DELETE delete/:id

Delete an upload

Request: DELETE /api/v1/delete/:id


  • :id - the ID of the upload to delete

Request body: Should contain the delete_key, which was given in UploadResponse when creating the upload.

Successful response: 204 No Content


$ curl -X DELETE -d 'joNtQd7TVKdBvlOmocueM35qU3JOqFuc'