If this file is not rendered correctly, read example.txt
Static arp should be set for each side of the data diode.
Place the following line in a crontab script for the root user if you want to upload files from a SRCDIR directory when unchanged for 1 minute:
sendfiles=`find /path/to/SRCDIR -type f -iname "*.*" -mmin +1 -exec lsattr {} + | grep -v -- '----i-d---------------' | sed 's/----------------------//g'|sed 's/\.\//\"/g'|sed -z 's/\n/\"\n/g'`; if [ -n "$sendfiles" ]; then echo -n "$sendfiles" | xargs -n1 | xargs -I% chattr +i %; fi; echo -n "$sendfiles" | xargs -n1 | xargs -I% datadiode-send REMOTE_IP PORT % 4 6; if [ -n "$sendfiles" ]; then echo -n "$sendfiles" | xargs -n1 | xargs -d '\n' -I% chattr +d %; fi
A receiver must be listening on the correct IP and PORT on the other side:
datadiode-recv PORT /path/to/DSTDIR
For automatic recovery of incoming files use inotify-tools:
inotifywait -F -m /path/to/DSTDIR -e create --include '.*\.finished$' | while read -r directory action file; do datadiode-recovery /path/to/DSTDIR "${file%.finished}" 4; done;
Another example is for MySQL/MariaDB incremental backup. The tools are mysqlbackup/mariabackup/xtrabackup:
On the sender side:
tar -cvzf - xtrabackup/* | split -b 1024M - "DD-part"
lastone=`ls DD-part* | tail -n1`
mv "$lastone" "$lastone".EOF
On the receiver side:
lastone=ls DD-part*.EOF
mv "$lastone" "${lastone%.EOF}"
cat DD-part* > xtrabackup.tgz
If you'd like to use vsftpd instead of sshfs or other tools for uploading files into /path/to/SRCDIR vsftpd is the right choice.
For Syslog via data diode you need to enable UDP server in /etc/rsyslog.conf or inside the included config file /etc/rsyslog.d/remote.conf:
module(load="imudp") input(type="imudp" port="514" Address="")
on the destination server. This is the syslog input for the concentrator where datadiode-syslog-deamplifier will send data to.
Client syslog daemons should send data into the datadiode-syslog-amplifier:
. @datadiode-amplifier-host-ip:1514
Similar settings for BSD syslog and syslog-ng if they are the choice over rsyslog.