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Version 2021.07

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@quark17 quark17 released this 19 Aug 04:18
· 252 commits to main since this release

Welcome to the first release of open BSC! Thank you and congratulations to everyone involved!

We have decided on the convention YYYY.MM for naming releases. And we have decided on a release schedule of twice a year, in January and July. Therefore, this first release is 2021.07 and users can expect a next release, 2022.01, in six months. Patch releases, if needed, will be named 2021.07.1, etc.

This release has some incompatibilities with prior proprietary releases, but for the most part remains the same. Hopefully all projects using prior releases should find it accessible to migrate to this open release. But users should expect that more incompatible changes may be coming in future releases. See the release notes for more details.

Documentation and pre-built tar-files are attached below. As verification of integrity, their sha256sum hashes are:

a78503612fd9a0e1c792d6885cc9c72022f62a7ebc1429b6696a4012118eb8fc  bsc-2021.07-macos-10.13+.tar.gz
a2e5cce1571233012f810469bfeafcf9cd0b44f0ec740e1da482fdece26907c9  bsc-2021.07-ubuntu-18.04.tar.gz
830a563edd8aad2dbd00e78a6fd0723bf1f15b129639db1accb6885e42f7d7cb  bsc-2021.07-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz

The source code attached below is automatically created by GitHub and does not include the source for submodules. We have separately attached the source code for the Yices submodule, that can be unpacked into the BSC source, to allow building from this snapshot.