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Adfs activity cmdlets (#24)
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marcusca10 authored Oct 4, 2022
1 parent 0c95c8c commit 8d604fb
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Showing 28 changed files with 676 additions and 2 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions src/Get-MsIdAdfsSamlToken.ps1
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@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Initiates a SAML logon request to and AD FS server to generate log activity and returns the user token.
This command will generate log activity on the ADFS server, by requesting a SAML token using Windows or forms authentication.
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsSamlToken urn:microsoft:adfs:claimsxray -HostName
Sign in to an application on an AD FS server using logged user credentials using the SAML protocol.
PS > $credential = Get-Credential
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsSamlToken urn:microsoft:adfs:claimsxray -HostName
Sign in to an application on an AD FS server using credentials provided by the user using the SAML endpoint and forms based authentication.
PS > $SamlIdentifiers = Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust | where { $_.WSFedEndpoint -eq $null } | foreach { $_.Identifier.Item(0) }
PS > $SamlIdentifiers | foreach { Get-MsIdAdfsSamlToken $_ -HostName }
Get all SAML relying party trusts from the AD FS server and sign in using the logged user credentials.
function Get-MsIdAdfsSamlToken
# Application identifier
# Enter host name for the AD FS server
# Provide the credential for the user to be signed in

if ($null -ne $Credential)
Write-Warning "Using credentials sends password in clear text over the network!"

$login = $null
$loginFail = ""

$EncodedSamlRequest = New-MsIdSamlRequest -Issuer $Issuer -DeflateAndEncode

[System.UriBuilder] $uriAdfs = 'https://{0}/adfs/ls' -f $HostName
$uriAdfs.Query = ConvertTo-QueryString @{
SAMLRequest = $EncodedSamlRequest

if ($null -ne $Credential) {
$user = $Credential.UserName
$form = New-AdfsLoginFormFields -Credential $Credential
$login = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uriAdfs.Uri -Method POST -Body $form -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
$loginFail = $_
else {
$userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-US)'
$user = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:UserName)"
$login = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uriAdfs.Uri -UserAgent $userAgent -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
$loginFail = $_

if ($null -eq $login) { Write-Error "HTTP request failed for issuer ""$($Issuer)"" and user: $($user). ERROR: $($loginFail)" }
elseif ($login.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Error "HTTP request failed for issuer ""$($Issuer)"" and user: $($user). ERROR: HTTP status $($login.StatusCode)" }
elseif ($login.InputFields.Count -le 0) {
Write-Warning "Login failed for issuer ""$($Issuer)"" and user: $($user)"
elseif ($login.InputFields[0].outerHTML.Contains("SAMLResponse")) {
Write-Host "Login sucessful for issuer ""$($Issuer)"" and user: $($user)"
return $login.Content | Get-ParsedTokenFromResponse -Protocol SAML
else { Write-Warning "Login failed for issuer ""$($Issuer)"" and user: $($user)" }

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/Get-MsIdAdfsSampleApp.ps1
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Returns the list of availabe sample AD FS relyng party trust applications available in this module. These applications do NOT use real endpoints and are meant to be used as test applications.
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsSampleApps
Get the full list of sample AD FS apps.
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsSampleApps SampleAppName
Get only SampleAppName sample AD FS app (replace SampleAppName by one of the available apps).
function Get-MsIdAdfsSampleApp {
param (
# Sample applications name
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $Name

$result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

if (Import-AdfsModule) {
$apps = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\internal\AdfsSamples\"

if ($Name -ne '') {
$apps = $apps | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name + '.json' }

ForEach ($app in $apps) {
Try {
Write-Verbose "Loading app: $($app.Name)"
if ($app.Name -notlike '*.xml') {
$rp = Get-Content $app.FullName | ConvertFrom-json
$null = $result.Add($rp)
catch {
Write-Warning "Error while loading app '$($app.Name)': ($_)"

return ,$result
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/Get-MsIdAdfsWsFedToken.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Initiates a Ws-Fed logon request to and AD FS server to generate log activity and returns the user token.
This command will generate log activity on the ADFS server, by requesting a Ws-Fed token using the windows or forms authentication.
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsWsFedToken urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline -HostName
Sign in to an application on an AD FS server using logged user credentials using the Ws-Fed protocol.
PS > $credential = Get-Credential
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsWsFedToken urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline -HostName
Sign in to an application on an AD FS server using credentials provided by the user using the Ws-Fed endpoint and forms based authentication.
PS > $WsFedIdentifiers = Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust | where { $_.WSFedEndpoint -ne $null -and $_.Identifier -notcontains "urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline" } | foreach { $_.Identifier.Item(0) }
PS > $WsFedIdentifiers | foreach { Get-MsIdAdfsWsFedToken $_ -HostName }
Get all Ws-Fed relying party trusts from the AD FS server excluding Azure AD and sign in using the logged user credentials.
function Get-MsIdAdfsWsFedToken
# Enter the application identifier
# Enter host name for the AD FS server
# Provide the credential for the user to be signed in

$login = $null
$loginFail = ""

# Defaults to Ws-Fed request
[System.UriBuilder] $uriAdfs = 'https://{0}/adfs/ls' -f $HostName
$uriAdfs.Query = ConvertTo-QueryString @{
'client-request-id' = New-Guid
wa = 'wsignin1.0'
wtrealm = $WtRealm

if ($null -ne $Credential) {
Write-Warning "Using credentials sends password in clear text over the network!"

$user = $Credential.UserName
$form = New-AdfsLoginFormFields -Credential $Credential
$login = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uriAdfs.Uri -Method POST -Body $form -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
$loginFail = $_
else {
$userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-US)'
$user = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:UserName)"
$login = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uriAdfs.Uri -UserAgent $userAgent -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
$loginFail = $_

if ($null -eq $login) { Write-Error "HTTP request failed for WtRealm ""$($WtRealm)"" and user: $($user). ERROR: $($loginFail)" }
elseif ($login.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Error "HTTP request failed for WtRealm ""$($WtRealm)"" and user: $($user). ERROR: HTTP status $($login.StatusCode)" }
elseif ($login.InputFields.Count -le 0) {
Write-Warning "Login failed for WtRealm ""$($WtRealm)"" and user: $($user)"
elseif ($login.InputFields[0].outerHTML.Contains("wsignin1.0")) {
Write-Host "Login sucessful for WtRealm ""$($WtRealm)"" and user: $($user)"
return $login.Content | Get-ParsedTokenFromResponse -Protocol WsFed
else { Write-Warning "Login failed for WtRealm ""$($WtRealm)"" and user: $($user)" }

84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions src/Get-MsIdAdfsWsTrustToken.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Initiates a Ws-Trust logon request to and AD FS server to generate log activity and returns the user token.
This command will generate log activity on the ADFS server, by requesting a Ws-Trust token using the windows transport or user name mixed endpoint.
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsWsTrustToken urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline -HostName
Sign in to an application on an AD FS server using logged user credentials using the WindowsTransport endpoint.
PS > $credential = Get-Credential
PS > Get-MsIdAdfsWsTrustToken urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline -HostName -Credential $credential
Sign in to an application on an AD FS server using credentials provided by the user using the UserNameMixed endpoint.
PS > $identifiers = Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust | foreach { $_.Identifier.Item(0) }
PS > $identifiers | foreach { Get-MsIdAdfsWsTrustToken $_ -HostName }
Get all relying party trusts from the AD FS server and sign in using the logged user credentials.
function Get-MsIdAdfsWsTrustToken
# Enter the application identifier
# Enter host name for the AD FS server
# Provide the credential for the user to be signed in

$login = $null
$loginFail = ""

if ($null -ne $Credential) {
$user = $Credential.UserName

[System.UriBuilder] $uriAdfs = 'https://{0}/adfs/services/trust/2005/usernamemixed' -f $HostName

$wstrustRequest = New-MsIdWsTrustRequest $Identifier -Endpoint $uriAdfs.Uri -Credential $Credential
$login = Invoke-WebRequest $uriAdfs.Uri -Method Post -Body $wstrustRequest -ContentType "application/soap+xml" -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
$loginFail = $_
else {
$user = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:UserName)"

[System.UriBuilder] $uriAdfs = 'https://{0}/adfs/services/trust/2005/windowstransport' -f $HostName

$wstrustRequest = New-MsIdWsTrustRequest $Identifier -Endpoint $uriAdfs.Uri
$login = Invoke-WebRequest $uriAdfs.Uri -Method Post -Body $wstrustRequest -ContentType "application/soap+xml" -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
$loginFail = $_

if ($null -eq $login) { Write-Error "HTTP request failed for identifier ""$($identifier)"" and user: $($user). ERROR: $($loginFail)" }
elseif ($login.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Error "HTTP request failed for identifier ""$($identifier)"" and user: $($user). ERROR: HTTP status $($login.StatusCode)" }
elseif ($login.Headers["Content-Type"].Contains("application/soap+xml")) {
Write-Host "Login sucessful for identifier ""$($Identifier)"" and user: $($user)"
return $login.Content | ConvertFrom-SamlMessage
else { Write-Warning "Login failed for identifier ""$($Identifier)"" and user: $($user)" }


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