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New validation for REST API spec location before SDK release #7451

merged 10 commits into from
Jan 15, 2024
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
- name: ServiceDirectory
type: string
default: ''
- name: PackageName
type: string
default: ''
- name: ArtifactLocation
type: string
default: ''
- name: GitHubSpecRepoPat
type: string
default: ''

- task: Powershell@2
filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/scripts/Verify-RestApiSpecLocation.ps1
arguments: >
-ServiceDirectory "${{ parameters.ServiceDirectory }}"
-PackageName "${{ parameters.PackageName }}"
-ArtifactLocation: "${{ parameters.ArtifactLocation }}"
-GitHubPat "${{ parameters.GitHubSpecRepoPat }}"
pwsh: true
workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
displayName: Verify REST API spec location for "${{ parameters.PackageName }}"
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/Invoke-GitHubAPI.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -451,3 +451,23 @@ function Get-GithubReferenceCommitDate($commitUrl, $AuthToken) {
return $

function Search-GitHubCommit {
param (
$uri = "$RepoOwner/$RepoName+hash:$CommitHash"

return Invoke-RestMethod `
-Method GET `
-Uri $uri `
-Headers (Get-GitHubApiHeaders -token $AuthToken) `
-MaximumRetryCount 3
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/Verify-RestApiSpecLocation.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
Verifies the location of the REST API specification.

This script is used to verify the REST API specifications used to generate SDK package are from the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository.

.PARAMETER ServiceDirectory
The directory path of the service.

.PARAMETER PackageName
The name of the package.

.PARAMETER ArtifactLocation
The location of the generated artifact for the package.

The GitHub personal access token used for authentication.

.PARAMETER PackageInfoDirectory
The directory path where the package information is stored.

Verify-RestApiSpecLocation -ServiceDirectory "/home/azure-sdk-for-net/sdk/serviceab" -PackageName "MyPackage" -ArtifactLocation "/home/ab/artifacts" -GitHubPat "xxxxxxxxxxxx" -PackageInfoDirectory "/home/ab/artifacts/PackageInfo"

param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $ServiceDirectory,
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string] $PackageName,
[string] $ArtifactLocation,
[Parameter(Position = 2)]

. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot common.ps1)
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot Helpers/PSModule-Helpers.ps1)
Install-ModuleIfNotInstalled "powershell-yaml" "0.4.1" | Import-Module

# This function is used to verify the 'require' and 'input-file' settings in point to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository
# input-file may be:
# or
function Verify-Url([string]$fileUrl) {
if($fileUrl -match "^https://(raw\.githubusercontent\.com|github\.com)/(?<repo>[^/]*/azure-rest-api-specs)(/(blob|tree))?/(?<commit>[^\/]+(\/[^\/]+)*|[0-9a-f]{40})/(?<path>specification/.*)") {
$repo = $matches['repo']
$commit = $matches['commit']
if($repo -ne "Azure/azure-rest-api-specs") {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Invalid repo in the file url: $fileUrl. Repo should be 'Azure/azure-rest-api-specs'."
exit 1
# check the commit hash belongs to main branch
Verify-CommitFromMainBranch $commit
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Invalid file url: $fileUrl"
exit 1

# This function is used to verify the 'repo' and 'commit' settings in tsp-location.yaml point to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository
function Verify-TspLocation([System.Object]$tspLocationObj) {
$repo = $tspLocationObj["repo"]
$commit = $tspLocationObj["commit"]
if($repo -ne "Azure/azure-rest-api-specs") {
LogError "Invalid repo setting in the tsp-location.yaml: $repo. Repo should be 'Azure/azure-rest-api-specs'. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName"
exit 1

# check the commit hash belongs to main branch
Verify-CommitFromMainBranch $commit

# This function is used to verify the specific 'commit' belongs to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository
function Verify-CommitFromMainBranch([string]$commit) {
if($commit -notmatch "^[0-9a-f]{40}$" -and $commit -ne "main") {
LogError "Invalid commit hash or branch name: $commit. Branch name should be 'main' or the commit should be a 40-character SHA-1 hash. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName"
exit 1
if($commit -eq "main") {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Branch is $commit branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
try {
$searchResult = Search-GitHubCommit -AuthToken $GitHubPat -CommitHash $commit -RepoOwner "Azure" -RepoName "azure-rest-api-specs"
if ($searchResult.total_count -lt 1) {
LogError "Commit $commit doesn't exist in 'main' branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName"
exit 1
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Commit $commit exists in 'main' branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
catch {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to search commit $commit with exception:`n$_ "
exit 1

function Verify-YamlContent([string]$markdownContent) {
$splitString = '``` yaml|```yaml|```'
$yamlContent = $markdownContent -split $splitString
foreach($yamlSection in $yamlContent) {
if ($yamlSection) {
try {
# remove the lines like: $(tag) == 'package-preview-2023-09'
$yamlSection = $yamlSection -replace '^\s*\$\(.+\)\s*==.+', ''
$yamlobj = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $yamlSection
if($yamlobj) {
$batchValue = $yamlobj["batch"]
$requireValue = $yamlobj["require"]
$inputFileValue = $yamlobj["input-file"]
if ($requireValue) {
LogDebug "require is set as:$requireValue"
Verify-Url $requireValue
elseif ($inputFileValue) {
LogDebug "input-file is set as:$inputFileValue"
foreach($inputFile in $inputFileValue) {
Verify-Url $inputFile
elseif ($batchValue) {
# there are some services which use batch mode for sdk generation, e.g. Azure.AI.Language.QuestionAnswering
foreach($batch in $batchValue) {
$requireValue = $batch["require"]
$inputFileValue = $batch["input-file"]
if ($requireValue) {
LogDebug "require is set as:$requireValue"
Verify-Url $requireValue
elseif ($inputFileValue) {
LogDebug "input-file is set as:$inputFileValue"
foreach($inputFile in $inputFileValue) {
Verify-Url $inputFile
catch {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse yaml section $yamlSection with exception:`n$_ "

function Verify-PackageVersion() {
try {
$packages = @{}
if ($FindArtifactForApiReviewFn -and (Test-Path "Function:$FindArtifactForApiReviewFn"))
$packages = &$FindArtifactForApiReviewFn $ArtifactLocation $PackageName
LogError "The function for 'FindArtifactForApiReviewFn' was not found.`
Make sure it is present in eng/scripts/Language-Settings.ps1 and referenced in eng/common/scripts/common.ps1.`
if (-not $PackageInfoDirectory)
$PackageInfoDirectory = Join-Path -Path $ArtifactLocation "PackageInfo"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PackageInfoDirectory)) {
# Call Save-Package-Properties.ps1 script to generate package info json files
$savePropertiesScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot "Save-Package-Properties.ps1"
& $savePropertiesScriptPath -serviceDirectory $ServiceDirectory -outDirectory $PackageInfoDirectory

$continueValidation = $false
if ($packages)
foreach($pkgPath in $packages.Values)
$pkgPropPath = Join-Path -Path $PackageInfoDirectory "$PackageName.json"
if (-Not (Test-Path $pkgPropPath))
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Package property file path $($pkgPropPath) is invalid."
# Get package info from json file
$pkgInfo = Get-Content $pkgPropPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$version = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::ParseVersionString($pkgInfo.Version)
if ($null -eq $version)
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, Version info is not available for package $PackageName, because version '$(pkgInfo.Version)' is invalid. Please check if the version follows Azure SDK package versioning guidelines."
exit 1

Write-Host "Version: $($version)"
Write-Host "SDK Type: $($pkgInfo.SdkType)"
Write-Host "Release Status: $($pkgInfo.ReleaseStatus)"

# Ignore the validation if the package is not GA version
if ($version.IsPrerelease) {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, Package $($parsedPackage.PackageId) is marked with version $($parsedPackage.PackageVersion), the version is a prerelease version and the validation of spec location is ignored."
$continueValidation = $true
if($continueValidation -eq $false) {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, no package info is found for package $PackageName, the validation of spec location is ignored."
catch {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to retrieve package and validate package version with exception:`n$_ "

# Verify package version is not a prerelease version, only continue the validation if the package is GA version

$ServiceDir = Join-Path $RepoRoot 'sdk' $ServiceDirectory
$PackageDirectory = Join-Path $ServiceDir $PackageName
Push-Location $PackageDirectory

# Load tsp-location.yaml if existed
$tspLocationYamlPath = Join-Path $PackageDirectory "tsp-location.yaml"
$autorestMdPath = Join-Path $PackageDirectory "src/"
$swaggerReadmePath = Join-Path $PackageDirectory "swagger/"
$tspLocationYaml = @{}
if (Test-Path -Path $tspLocationYamlPath) {
# typespec scenario
$tspLocationYaml = Get-Content -Path $tspLocationYamlPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml
Verify-TspLocation $tspLocationYaml
elseif ($Language -eq "dotnet") {
# only dotnet language sdk uses '' to configure the sdk generation
if (Test-Path -Path $autorestMdPath) {
try {
$autorestMdContent = Get-Content -Path $autorestMdPath -Raw
Verify-YamlContent $autorestMdContent
catch {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse file with exception:`n$_ "
elseif ($Language -eq "java" -or $Language -eq "js" -or $Language -eq "python" -or $Language -eq "go") {
# for these languages we ignore the validation because they always use the latest spec from main branch to release SDK
# mgmt plane packages: azure-core-management|azure-resourcemanager|azure-resourcemanager-advisor (java), azure-mgmt-devcenter (python), arm-advisor (js), armaad (go)
if($PackageName -match "^(arm|azure-mgmt|azure-resourcemanager|azure-core-management)[-a-z]*$") {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Ignore the validation for $Language management plane package."
exit 0
# for these languages they use 'swagger/' to configure the sdk generation for data plane scenarios
if (Test-Path -Path $swaggerReadmePath) {
try {
$swaggerReadmeContent = Get-Content -Path $swaggerReadmePath -Raw
Verify-YamlContent $swaggerReadmeContent
catch {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse swagger/ file with exception:`n$_ "
finally {