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Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 7569 (#28341)
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Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR
Azure/azure-sdk-tools#7569 See [eng/common


Co-authored-by: Ray Chen <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
azure-sdk and raych1 authored Jan 25, 2024
1 parent d170acf commit 7b80a95
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 66 deletions.
142 changes: 76 additions & 66 deletions eng/common/scripts/Verify-RestApiSpecLocation.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,110 +43,112 @@ param (
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot Helpers/PSModule-Helpers.ps1)

# Check if github token is set
if(-not $GitHubPat) {
if (-not $GitHubPat) {
LogError "GitHubPat is not set. Please set the environment variable GH_TOKEN or pass the GitHubPat parameter."
exit 1

Write-Host "The spec used to release SDK should be from the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, ArtifactLocation:$ArtifactLocation, PackageInfoDirectory:$PackageInfoDirectory."
Install-ModuleIfNotInstalled "powershell-yaml" "0.4.1" | Import-Module

# This function is used to verify the 'require' and 'input-file' settings in point to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository
# input-file may be:
# or
function Verify-Url([string]$fileUrl) {
if($fileUrl -match "^https://(raw\.githubusercontent\.com|github\.com)/(?<repo>[^/]*/azure-rest-api-specs)(/(blob|tree))?/(?<commit>[^\/]+(\/[^\/]+)*|[0-9a-f]{40})/(?<path>specification/.*)") {
function Verify-Url([string]$fileUrl, [string]$configFilePath) {
if ($fileUrl -match "^https://(raw\.githubusercontent\.com|github\.com)/(?<repo>[^/]*/azure-rest-api-specs)(/(blob|tree))?/(?<commit>[^\/]+(\/[^\/]+)*|[0-9a-f]{40})/(?<path>specification/.*)") {
$repo = $matches['repo']
$commit = $matches['commit']
if($repo -ne "Azure/azure-rest-api-specs") {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Invalid repo in the file url: $fileUrl. Repo should be 'Azure/azure-rest-api-specs'."
if ($repo -ne "Azure/azure-rest-api-specs") {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Invalid repo in the file url: $fileUrl. Repo should be 'Azure/azure-rest-api-specs' in the config file:$configFilePath."
exit 1
# check the commit hash belongs to main branch
Verify-CommitFromMainBranch $commit
Verify-CommitFromMainBranch $commit $configFilePath
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Invalid file url: $fileUrl"
else {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Invalid file url: $fileUrl in the config file:$configFilePath. The spec location should point to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
exit 1

# This function is used to verify the 'repo' and 'commit' settings in tsp-location.yaml point to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository
function Verify-TspLocation([System.Object]$tspLocationObj) {
function Verify-TspLocation([System.Object]$tspLocationObj, [string]$tspLocationYamlPath) {
$repo = $tspLocationObj["repo"]
$commit = $tspLocationObj["commit"]
if($repo -ne "Azure/azure-rest-api-specs") {
LogError "Invalid repo setting in the tsp-location.yaml: $repo. Repo should be 'Azure/azure-rest-api-specs'. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName"
if ($repo -ne "Azure/azure-rest-api-specs") {
LogError "Invalid repo setting in the tsp-location.yaml: $repo. Repo should be 'Azure/azure-rest-api-specs'. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, tsp-location.yaml path:$tspLocationYamlPath."
exit 1

# check the commit hash belongs to main branch
Verify-CommitFromMainBranch $commit
Verify-CommitFromMainBranch $commit $tspLocationYamlPath

# This function is used to verify the specific 'commit' belongs to the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository
function Verify-CommitFromMainBranch([string]$commit) {
if($commit -notmatch "^[0-9a-f]{40}$" -and $commit -ne "main") {
LogError "Invalid commit hash or branch name: $commit. Branch name should be 'main' or the commit should be a 40-character SHA-1 hash. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName"
function Verify-CommitFromMainBranch([string]$commit, [string]$configFilePath) {
if ($commit -notmatch "^[0-9a-f]{40}$" -and $commit -ne "main") {
LogError "Invalid commit hash or branch name: $commit. Branch name should be 'main' or the commit should be a 40-character SHA-1 hash. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, please check the config file:$configFilePath."
exit 1
if($commit -eq "main") {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Branch is $commit branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
if ($commit -eq "main") {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, Config file:$configFilePath. Branch is $commit branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
try {
$searchResult = Search-GitHubCommit -AuthToken $GitHubPat -CommitHash $commit -RepoOwner "Azure" -RepoName "azure-rest-api-specs"
if ($searchResult.total_count -lt 1) {
LogError "Commit $commit doesn't exist in 'main' branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName"
LogError "Commit $commit doesn't exist in 'main' branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository. ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, please check the config file:$configFilePath. The spec used to release SDK should be from the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
exit 1
else {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Commit $commit exists in 'main' branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository."
catch {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to search commit $commit with exception:`n$_ "
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, Config file:$configFilePath. The spec used to release SDK should be from the main branch of Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repository. Failed to search commit $commit with exception:`n$_ "
exit 1

function Verify-YamlContent([string]$markdownContent) {
function Verify-YamlContent([string]$markdownContent, [string]$configFilePath) {
$splitString = '``` yaml|```yaml|```'
$yamlContent = $markdownContent -split $splitString
foreach($yamlSection in $yamlContent) {
foreach ($yamlSection in $yamlContent) {
if ($yamlSection) {
try {
# remove the lines like: $(tag) == 'package-preview-2023-09'
$yamlSection = $yamlSection -replace '^\s*\$\(.+\)\s*==.+', ''
$yamlobj = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $yamlSection
if($yamlobj) {
if ($yamlobj) {
$batchValue = $yamlobj["batch"]
$requireValue = $yamlobj["require"]
$inputFileValue = $yamlobj["input-file"]
if ($requireValue) {
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. 'require' is set as:$requireValue"
Verify-Url $requireValue
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, Config file:$configFilePath. 'require' is set as:$requireValue"
Verify-Url $requireValue $configFilePath
elseif ($inputFileValue) {
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. 'input-file' is set as:$inputFileValue"
foreach($inputFile in $inputFileValue) {
Verify-Url $inputFile
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, Config file:$configFilePath. 'input-file' is set as:$inputFileValue"
foreach ($inputFile in $inputFileValue) {
Verify-Url $inputFile $configFilePath
elseif ($batchValue) {
# there are some services which use batch mode for sdk generation, e.g. Azure.AI.Language.QuestionAnswering
foreach($batch in $batchValue) {
foreach ($batch in $batchValue) {
$requireValue = $batch["require"]
$inputFileValue = $batch["input-file"]
if ($requireValue) {
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. 'require' is set as:$requireValue"
Verify-Url $requireValue
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, Config file:$configFilePath. 'require' is set as:$requireValue"
Verify-Url $requireValue $configFilePath
elseif ($inputFileValue) {
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. 'input-file' is set as:$inputFileValue"
foreach($inputFile in $inputFileValue) {
Verify-Url $inputFile
LogDebug "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, Config file:$configFilePath. 'input-file' is set as:$inputFileValue"
foreach ($inputFile in $inputFileValue) {
Verify-Url $inputFile $configFilePath
Expand All @@ -163,19 +165,16 @@ function Verify-YamlContent([string]$markdownContent) {
function Verify-PackageVersion() {
try {
$packages = @{}
if ($FindArtifactForApiReviewFn -and (Test-Path "Function:$FindArtifactForApiReviewFn"))
if ($FindArtifactForApiReviewFn -and (Test-Path "Function:$FindArtifactForApiReviewFn")) {
$packages = &$FindArtifactForApiReviewFn $ArtifactLocation $PackageName
else {
LogError "The function for 'FindArtifactForApiReviewFn' was not found.`
Make sure it is present in eng/scripts/Language-Settings.ps1 and referenced in eng/common/scripts/common.ps1.`
exit 1
if (-not $PackageInfoDirectory)
if (-not $PackageInfoDirectory) {
$PackageInfoDirectory = Join-Path -Path $ArtifactLocation "PackageInfo"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PackageInfoDirectory)) {
# Call Save-Package-Properties.ps1 script to generate package info json files
Expand All @@ -185,23 +184,19 @@ function Verify-PackageVersion() {

$continueValidation = $false
if ($packages)
foreach($pkgPath in $packages.Values)
if ($packages) {
foreach ($pkgPath in $packages.Values) {
$pkgPropPath = Join-Path -Path $PackageInfoDirectory "$PackageName.json"
if (-Not (Test-Path $pkgPropPath))
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Package property file path $($pkgPropPath) is invalid."
if (-Not (Test-Path $pkgPropPath)) {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Package property file path $($pkgPropPath) is invalid."
# Get package info from json file
$pkgInfo = Get-Content $pkgPropPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$version = [AzureEngSemanticVersion]::ParseVersionString($pkgInfo.Version)
if ($null -eq $version)
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, Version info is not available for package $PackageName, because version '$(pkgInfo.Version)' is invalid. Please check if the version follows Azure SDK package versioning guidelines."
exit 1
if ($null -eq $version) {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, Version info is not available for package $PackageName, because version '$(pkgInfo.Version)' is invalid. Please check if the version follows Azure SDK package versioning guidelines."
exit 1

Write-Host "Version: $($version)"
Expand All @@ -216,23 +211,36 @@ function Verify-PackageVersion() {
$continueValidation = $true
if($continueValidation -eq $false) {
if ($continueValidation -eq $false) {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, no package info is found for package $PackageName, the validation of spec location is ignored."
exit 0
# Return the package info
return $pkgInfo
catch {
LogError "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to retrieve package and validate package version with exception:`n$_ "
exit 1

try {
# Verify package version is not a prerelease version, only continue the validation if the package is GA version
$packageInfo = Verify-PackageVersion
if (-not $packageInfo) {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. The package info is not available."
exit 0
# Get the package directory path
$PackageDirectory = $null
if ($packageInfo.DirectoryPath) {
$PackageDirectory = Join-Path $RepoRoot $packageInfo.DirectoryPath

$ServiceDir = Join-Path $RepoRoot 'sdk' $ServiceDirectory
$PackageDirectory = Join-Path $ServiceDir $PackageName
if ((-not $PackageDirectory) -or (-not (Test-Path $PackageDirectory))) {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, PackageDirectory:$PackageDirectory. The package directory path is invalid."
exit 0
Push-Location $PackageDirectory

# Load tsp-location.yaml if existed
Expand All @@ -243,39 +251,41 @@ try{
if (Test-Path -Path $tspLocationYamlPath) {
# typespec scenario
$tspLocationYaml = Get-Content -Path $tspLocationYamlPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml
Verify-TspLocation $tspLocationYaml
Verify-TspLocation $tspLocationYaml $tspLocationYamlPath
elseif ($Language -eq "dotnet") {
# only dotnet language sdk uses '' to configure the sdk generation
if (Test-Path -Path $autorestMdPath) {
try {
$autorestMdContent = Get-Content -Path $autorestMdPath -Raw
Verify-YamlContent $autorestMdContent
Verify-YamlContent $autorestMdContent $autorestMdPath
catch {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse file with exception:`n$_ "
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse file:$autorestMdPath with exception:`n$_ "
elseif ($Language -eq "java" -or $Language -eq "javascript" -or $Language -eq "python" -or $Language -eq "go") {
# for these languages we ignore the validation because they always use the latest spec from main branch to release SDK
# mgmt plane packages: azure-core-management|azure-resourcemanager|azure-resourcemanager-advisor (java), azure-mgmt-devcenter (python), arm-advisor (js), armaad (go)
if($PackageName -match "^(arm|azure-mgmt|azure-resourcemanager|azure-core-management)[-a-z]*$") {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Ignore the validation for $Language management plane package."
# for these languages we ignore the validation for mgmt plane SDK because they always use the latest spec from main branch to release SDK
if ($packageInfo.SdkType -eq "mgmt") {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Ignore the validation for $Language management plane SDK release."
exit 0
# for these languages they use 'swagger/' to configure the sdk generation for data plane scenarios
if (Test-Path -Path $swaggerReadmePath) {
try {
$swaggerReadmeContent = Get-Content -Path $swaggerReadmePath -Raw
Verify-YamlContent $swaggerReadmeContent
Verify-YamlContent $swaggerReadmeContent $swaggerReadmePath
catch {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse swagger/ file with exception:`n$_ "
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName. Failed to parse swagger/ file:$swaggerReadmePath with exception:`n$_ "
catch {
Write-Host "ServiceDir:$ServiceDirectory, PackageName:$PackageName, PackageDirectory:$PackageDirectory. Failed to validate spec location with exception:`n$_ "
finally {

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