Demo Raymarching reload both shaders and rust code while developing a WGPU application with egui integration.
Package a single binary/wasm for native and web targets.
- build to native and wasm
- hot reload shader (instant), embed shader files in release and wasm builds
- hot reload rust (~4sec to rebuild and relink library)
- hot reload ui with egui integration
- shader preprocessor
#import "file.wgsl"
To have both shader and rust hot reload, run:
cargo run --features reload
in one terminalcargo watch -w lib -x "rustc --crate-type=dylib -p lib"
in another terminal. (requires cargo-watch)
Alternatively use cargo runcc -c runcc.yml
to run both commands at the same time. (requires cargo-runcc)
You can also run cargo run
if you only care about shader hot reloading.
cargo run --release
as usual to build a single executable for your native target. For wasm
builds, see below.
This project targets webgpu first, and defaults to webgl when not available.
# In charge of building and hosting a webserver. Should expose to localhost:8000
cargo run-wasm [--release] [--features ...]
This project contains a small homemade preprocessor for wgsl files.
It currently allows to include other files by using #import "path/to/file.wgsl"
in your shader files.
This syntax follows the bevy preprocessor syntax, which is roughly supported by wgsl-analyzer.
The project comes with a PipelineFuncs
trait. Hopefully it should be enough for your needs. You just need to replace the current implementation with yours in lib/
: demo_pipelines::demo::Pipeline as CurrentPipeline;
The project is divided in two crates: lib
and src
should only contain the minimal code necessary to start the application and the windowing system,
allowing a maximum of code to be hot-reloaded in lib
which is built as a dynamic library and reloaded at runtime whenever changes are saved.
Entry point functions should be written in lib/src/
, be public and have the #[no_mangle]
attribute to be hot-reloadable.
Note that they cannot be generic. Example:
pub fn get_pipeline_name(pipeline: &CurrentPipeline) -> String {
Then each use of the lib
in src
should be done via the module hot_lib::library_bridge
that makes the bridge between the binary and the dynamic library.
See hot-lib-reloader-rs for more information about hot reloading Rust code and its limitations.
Since the wasm and native targets use different flags, switching from one target to the other takes time as many dependencies need to be rebuilt. Be careful to set rust-analyzer to the same target you're building to, otherwise they will compete against each other and create a lot of unnecessary recompiling.
Rust requires the dylib to be present at compile time to link, so starting the hot-reload mode with runcc can crash if the bin finishes compiling when the no dll/so is present yet. In which case you just have to let the library finish building in dynamic mode and restart runcc.
wgpu does not use the idiomatic rust way
to handle errors. See here for more info, or have a look
for an example.
- hot-lib-reloader-rs
- wgpu and its boids example
- learn-wgpu
- egui