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these are the commands i am using recently:
moving is easy u just use hlkj
: will always take you to the end of the line
: will take you always to the start of the line
: using caret will take you to the first not empty space or character in ur line
: to jump to the character you want to reach towards in the line
: (capital f) here u will be jumping backwords to the character u need.
: is to go towards the letter u want to jump but the cursor is just before it
: (you can think of it as till) works the same but backwards
w, b
: to navigate between the words and symbols
W, B
: to navigate between capital words
: to navigate through end of the words
: to navigate through end of the words but backwords
: to skip and navigate between words in all caps.
: is to jump between paragraphs or between empty space blocks
: is to jump to end of the line.
: is to go to the beginning of the file
: will take u to the line of 17, also :17 will do the same
: if u are on the opening or closing parenthesis or bracket it will jump to the according closing bracket or parenthesis
: to jump to the opening parenthesis if you are in the middle of them
ctrl + f
: will take u down to a full screen
ctrl + b
: will take u up to a full screen
ctrl + u
:, d will take u up and down resectively half a screen
zt, zb, zz
: to move respecivally to top, bottom and half screen with moving the cursor
ctrl + y
: and e is to scroll up and down without moving the cursor
: to execute a search, and enter to go and hop into it
: is a command to undo a selection
n and N
: to move through your searches
: to execute a search on an exact word
ctrl + i
:, o will jump u between jumplists
d$ or D
: to delete from current cursor to end of the line
: to delete until the end of the file
: to delete till the end of the word
: to delete all line
: to undo for sure
ce, c
: short for change is to delete and move to insert mode after deleting
: to replace a simple character
: you will copy until character and then p or P to paste
: to copy the whole line
Y or y$
: is same to copy until end of the line
: to change case of a character
: to change to uppercase
: to change for lowercase
diw, d
: for delete, i for inside and w for word, this will do the magic to delete the word entirely when the cursor is inside
: is to change a word while the cursor is inside
: to copy the paragraph you are inside
: to delete the pragraph you are in
: to delete inside the parenthesis
: to delete outside the parenthesis which means including them
: change word to newword
: to not prompt u for being sure or not
check this guy's cheatsheet for more:
: to start recording a couple of movements
: to quit recording and make sure you are in visual mode
: to apply what you recorded on a
: to select outside a whole paragraph
: to start an operation on whole file
: to start an operation on norm mode
: @a is to start the operation of @a on the paragraph selected
ctrl + w
and how u can use s for split and closing with o
to add the m + a and m + b and then switch to marks with ' + a or ' + b
ctrl + f
and ctrl + u
is to move cursor to last character of file or first line as well.
ctrl + n
and ctrl + p
are for navigation
ctrl + d
and ctrl + u
will jump certain number of phrases and make navigation easier for u
ctrl + a
to increment number and ctrl + x
to decrement it
ctrl + shift + v
to paste to terminal from clipboard
to surround certain word with whatever u write next for example ""
to delete surrounding double quote or if u replace " with t
u will delete surrounding tag
to change surrounding character with whatever u want, in this case with quotes
"ay + command
will give u possibility to yank whatever u gave to register a