This is a most complete opensource library for parsing and generating of M3U8 playlists used in HTTP Live Streaming (Apple HLS) for internet video translations.
M3U8 is simple text format and parsing library for it must be simple too. It did not offer ways to play HLS or handle playlists over HTTP. So library features are:
- Support HLS specs up to version 5 of the protocol.
- Parsing and generation of master-playlists and media-playlists.
- Autodetect input streams as master or media playlists.
- Offer structures for keeping playlists metadata.
- Encryption keys support for use with DRM systems like Verimatrix etc.
- Support for non standard Google Widevine tags.
Library licensed under GPLv3. Copyleft by library authors (see AUTHORS).
go get
or get releases from
Package online documentation (examples included) available at:
Supported by the HLS protocol tags and their library support explained in M3U8 cheatsheet.
Parse playlist:
f, err := os.Open("playlist.m3u8")
if err != nil {
p, listType, err := DecodeFrom(bufio.NewReader(f), true)
if err != nil {
switch listType {
case MEDIA:
mediapl := p.(*MediaPlaylist)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", mediapl)
case MASTER:
masterpl := p.(*MasterPlaylist)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", masterpl)
Then you get filled with parsed data structures. For master playlists you get Master
struct with slice consists of pointers to Variant
structures (which represent playlists to each bitrate).
For media playlist parser returns MediaPlaylist
structure with slice of Segments
. Each segment is of MediaSegment
See structure.go
or full documentation (link below).
You may use API methods to fill structures or create them manually to generate playlists. Example of media playlist generation:
p, e := NewMediaPlaylist(3, 10) // with window of size 3 and capacity 10
if e != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Creating of media playlist failed: %s", e))
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
e = p.Add(fmt.Sprintf("test%d.ts", i), 6.0, "")
if e != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Add segment #%d to a media playlist failed: %s", i, e))
Library has compact code and bundled in three files:
— declares all structures related to playlists and their propertiesreader.go
— playlist parser methodswriter.go
— playlist generator methods
Each file has own test suite placed in *_test.go
This library was successfully used in streaming software developed for company where I worked several years ago. It was tested then in generating of VOD and Live streams and parsing of Widevine Live streams. Also the library used in opensource software so you may look at these apps for usage examples:
- in Python
- in Ruby
- in Objective C
- in Javascript
- in Java
- in Erlang
Project maintainers:
- Bradley Falzon @bradleyfalzon
- Alexander Grafov @grafov
Development rules:
- After complete testing and one week usage with my prober for HLS Stream Surfer it may be released as new library version.
- Each new API call or M3U8 tag accompanied by at least with one unit test till new release (this rule will be apply after v1.0).
- Versioning scheme follows rules (but versions till v1.0 not support bacward compatibility, see release notes carefully).
Project dashboard:
To version 1.0:
- Support all M3U8 tags up to latest version of specs.
- Code coverage by unit tests more than 90%