Reverse Engineering at Lightspeed
Modular Toolkit for Binary Exploration
- Auto-handle compressed files 🗜️
- Admin privilege escalation support ⚡
- Cross-platform argument templating 📝
- Multi-OS support (Windows/Linux/macOS) 🖥️
- All architecture's ready 🔧
- Centralized metadata profiles 📄
- Automated requirement checks ✅
- Cloud-Powered Tool Sourcing 🌩️
and more!
"Execution": {
"FileLocation": "tools/ILSpy/ilspycmd",
"Arguments": ["-p", "-o", "./output"],
"RunAsAdmin": false
"Compatibility": {
"OS": ["TempleOS"],
"Architectures": ["x64"]
# 1. Fork repository
# 2. Create feature branch
git checkout -b feat/awesome-feature
# 3. Commit changes
git commit -m "feat: Add binary pattern scanner"
# 4. Push and open PR
git push origin feat/awesome-feature
MIT Licensed - See LICENSE for details
"With great power comes great reverse engineering"