š Welcome to my GitHub profile! I am a Full-Stack Developer.
š I specialize in JavaScript, Typescript, React, Java, Spring Boot and ExpressJS, and have experience working with a variety of frameworks and databases.
š” Open to collaborating on projects and innovative ideas.
š» Currently, I am specializing in React, Node.JS, Spring Boot and developing projects about it.
Title | Description | Technologies | Demo Links |
E-Commerce-Api | E-Commerce API with Spring Boot | Demo | |
Gallerist | Gallerist Application with Spring Boot | No Demo | |
Spring Boot Tutorials | Multi Tutorial Projects with Spring Boot | No Demo | |
My Games - Backend | Backend application for my games with MongoDB database | No Demo | |
Q&A Rest Api | Basic Backend Project with Express JS and MongoDB | No Demo |
Title | Description | Technologies | Demo Links |
My Games | A website where players can store their game data(Refactored) | Demo | |
Star Wars Apollo Graphql | Graphql Apollo Cleint with React Project | Demo | |
Javascript Methods | Practical use JS Methods | Demo | |
My Games - Old | A website where players can store their game data(Abandoned) | Demo | |
Whatsapp Clone | Whatsapp's Clone Project with Firebase Service. (Beta) | Demo | |
DersiGo | A user and post themed project with Dummy Api requests | Demo | |
Flight App | Flight App with React.JS | No Demo | |
Movie App | Dynamically editing Movies and Movie information in JSON server | No Demo | |
Product App | Similar to TODO app project but it is Product editing | Demo | |
E-Commerce | E-commerce site that allows shopping with Fakestore Api | Demo |
Title | Description | Technologies | Demo Links |
Calcultaor | Detailed Calculator App with many functions | Demo | |
Fast Localization Placement | Program that quickly places localization files for PDX games | No Demo | |
PDX Modifier Multiplier | Program that multiplies Modifiers for PDX games | No Demo | |
Github User Information | Fetches Github User Informations | Demo | |
Currency Converter | Foreign exchange site that converts currencies worldwide | Demo | |
Music Player | Basic Music Player Website | Demo | |
Country-Info | Fetches Country Informations | Demo | |
Weather App | Weather App with Api Service | Demo | |
Color Flipper | Random Color Returns | Demo | |
Quiz Website | Basic Quiz Website | Demo |