6.1.4 / 2021-12-27
fix(document): handle save with undefined nested doc under subdoc #11110
fix(document): allow manually populating subdocument refs with create()
fix(populate): handles refPath underneath map of subdocuments #9359
fix(update): throw error when calling findByIdAndUpdate with undefined id #11079 gramliu
fix(mongoose): export ConnectionStates #11133 orgads
fix(index.d.ts): unpack array when using generic type override with populate()
fix(index.d.ts): fix typings in Merge stage #11132
fix(index.d.ts): PipelineStage.Merge interface definition is wrong #11109
docs(typescript): add note about Schema.Types.ObjectId vs Types.ObjectId in document definition #10949
docs(connection): clarify that "connected" and "open" are different #10886
docs(populate): correct refPath example to not use on as a schema path name #11113
docs: fix strictQuery
example #11135 MontgomeryWatts
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