Based on EU reference implementation
AUTHADA eEWA Demo Issuer:
AUTHADA eEWA Demo Verifier:
Funke Stage 1
- new look & feel of the app
- removed / hide features that are not required by Funke stage 1
- support "on the fly" PID issuing in presentation PID flow
- support for authenticated channel
- support dpop for PID issuing
- support FaceID/TouchID
- support PID issuing process with external eID client
- support for wallet and app attestation
- support for SD-JWT PID presentations (EU reference implementation only supports mdoc)
- support for SD-JWT proxy (temporary) PID presentation (authenticated channel or signed credential)
- support for mdoc proxy (temporary) PID presentation (authenticated channel or signed credential)
- support for selective disclosure for PID issuing while presenting the PID
- support for selective disclosure for presenting SD-JWT PIDs
Funke Stage 2
- updated look & feel of the app
- support of handling the storage of different/multiple document formats (before only mdoc)
- support to issue/save/show/present/delete EAAs in SD-JWT format
- support for authentication flow for issuing EAAs in SD-JWT format
- support for pre-auth flow for issuing EAAs in SD-JWT and mdoc format
- support for multiple "on the fly" PID document formats:
- (mdoc)
- (SD-JWT)
- (SD-JWT)
- (SD-JWT)
- support to present multiple documents for the same document type
- support to present multiple EAAs for different document types and formats
- support to present multiple EAAs for different document types and formats including one "on the fly" PID
- support for EAA issuer authentication
- support for vct document filter in presentation flow
- support for vct document filter for "on the fly" PID issuing
- support for issuing driver license (mdoc) and Verified Email (SD-JWT) directly from the app