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Git Workflow
This memo presents the workflow we try to follow in Audiveris development on top of a Git distributed version control system.
This small work in progress is meant for any new contributor. And for us as well, it can be used as a memory help! 😏
We recommend to read the Atlassian Tutorial, entitled "Comparing Workflows", which explains very clearly 4 different Git workflows.
For Audiveris, we have chosen among these 4 Git workflows the one named Gitflow Workflow. What follows is a summary for Audiveris users, please refer to Gitflow Workflow for the original detailed presentation.
It is best depicted by the following diagram stolen from Atlassian web site (the minor difference is that we prefer "development" branch rather than "develop").
This approach makes a heavy use of short-living branches (for features, releases, hotfixes) off of two permanent branches: master and development.
- Permanent branches:
The master branch stores the official release history. No development is done there. All commits in master are tagged with a version number.
The development branch serves as an integration branch for features.
- Temporary branches:
Any new feature is developed in a separate feature branch, named as the feature, created off of the development branch. Any feature branch will eventually be merged into the development branch and then deleted.
At key points in development process, a release branch, named as the release, is created off of the development branch, to hold the release preparation work. When the release is ready, the release branch is merged into both master and development branches. The master is tagged with the precise release number. The branch is then deleted.
To quickly patch production releases, a hotfix branch properly named can be created off of the master branch. When completed, it must be merged into both master and development, and the master should be tagged with an updated version number. The branch is then deleted.
(Assuming "basic-ui" is the name for this feature):
git checkout -b basic-ui development
git push -u origin basic-ui
git checkout development
git merge basic-ui
git push
git branch -d basic-ui
git push origin --delete basic-ui
(Assuming "release-5.0" is the name for this release):
git checkout -b release-5.0 development
1/ Merge with master:
git checkout master
git merge release-5.0
git push
2/ Merge with development:
git checkout development
git merge release-5.0
git push
3/ Delete the release branch:
git branch -d release-5.0
(Using a tag like "5.0"):
git tag -a 5.0 -m "Small description for the release" master
git push --tags
(Assuming "export-npe" is the name for the hotfix):
git checkout master
git checkout -b export-npe
git checkout master
git merge export-npe
git push
git checkout development
git merge export-npe
git push
git branch -d export-npe
(Using a tag like "5.0.1"):
git tag -a 5.0.1 -m "Small description for the hotfix" master
git push --tags
In current branch, save local commits apart, pull remote commits if any, then merge with local ones
git pull --rebase
git config --global core.filemode false
git checkout development
git reset --hard origin/development
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