Command line utility used for scrapping the torrents according to search and page params passed as arguments. It be used as dependency in the project also.
Install torrent-scrapper-cli with npm globally
npm install -g torrent-scrapper-cli
Install torrent-scrapper-cli with npm locally in project
npm install torrent-scrapper-cli
Clone the project
git clone https://link-to-project
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
node ./bin/index.js -h
Run the following command in the terminal after installing torrent-scrapper-cli to open help eg.
torrent-scrapper-cli -h
For getting torrents with name avatar
torrent-scrapper-cli -s='Avatar' -f=/home/atul/Documents/
For getting torrents with name avatar from only
torrent-scrapper-cli -s='Avatar' -f=/home/atul/Documents/ -k=yts